List 5 of your top pet peeves:
1) When people are irresponsible.
2) When people can't take the blame for their issues.
3) When people are late.
4) When people are closed-minded.
5) When people are uptight.
List 3 of the worst ways to die:
1) Being eaten alive.
2) Being ripped apart.
3) Being burned alive.
List 5 of the greatest inventions ever invented:
1) Make up.
2) Digital Cameras + Editing programs.
3) Soda.
4) Internet.
5) Slippers.
List 3 obligations you have right now:
1) Write 7 more journal entries for Compo before Wednesday.
2) Get my car inspected/get new tires/get my wheels aligned.
3) Pay my mom back for the $150 she lent me for prom.
List 3 awesome people:
1) Nate.
2) Brian.
3) Jaimie.
List 5 of your top movies:
1) LOTR trilogy.
2) The Butterfly Effect.
3) Dead Poet's Society.
4) The Grudge.
5) Anchorman.
List 5 of your fears:
1) Bugs.
2) Dead bugs.
3) the dark.
4) death.
5) myself.
List 5 things you wish to do before you die:
1) Get published.
2) Get a steady paycheck where I don't owe anyone anything.
3) Model for something.
4) Fall in real love.
5) Hug Brian.