Ah, life...
Work - Still in limbo over the administrative position. Budget issues have gotten really tight and tense and I believe they're using that as an excuse to keep me in this position a while longer. This position meaning "Interim". It's saving them money (I will get more when I get the position officially and fully) but giving me an ulcer. I'm meeting with the boss on some things tomorrow and I'll be bringing this up.
Gaming - I've obviously recovered, since I'm starting to run plotlines on, of all things, CoH. Gotta love it...I have a following of about 6 or 7 people who are involved right now. It's rather amusing. I've been playing a lot and I'm wondering if I'm playing too much. I'm having fun, though, so I'm cutting back a little but not stopping. I want to get into a TT game to play and need to touch base with the Va Beach crew to see where things stand. That, or maybe Cleveland...
Home - We have a new deck, the side stairs have been relocated to the back, and we have a ramp on the shed. Thanks to my family (Dad, stepmom, aunt, uncle, and a cousin, as well as the husband) for all the work. It was a long weekend, but the results are very nice. Work on the landscaping will have to wait until next spring, but we'll get it done. The security system ate into our budget. We didn't get hit, but a neighbor did...and now we have an alarm system. Whee. Out in the middle of nowhere WV and they're robbing people.
Cats - I think Fafnir has bad hips. He's not locking up, but he just doesn't move right. Watching him jump around, though, makes me wonder if I'm just imagining things. Kizmet's doing well, though he's going through the kitty teen angst right now. The latest "trick" is tipping over the water dish...and there's a tank on it...now he has a bowl he can't tip.
Life - I'm stressed, moreso than usual and probably a little moreso than is healty (for me...I know, stress-bunny talking). The last three weeks have been rough, and this one will be so as well, but after this I've got about 3 weeks of relative relaxation. I'm not working out regularly (getting up at 5:30 am and not getting home until 5:00 pm or later isn't helping), though I'm eating decently. Must be doing something right because I've lost a little more weight. If I can keep doing that and start working out, who knows what New Years will look like? The ankle is doing ok. I'm seeing a massage therapist every few weeks and I think it's helping. I'll know more for sure when winter hits. I haven't written the appeal letter to the insurance company. I'm just not seeing how it'll help if the surgeon can't convince them to pay for it. I have 15 months from February, though, so I've got a little time.
I can't think of anything else anyone would want to know. Hope life is treating you well. If you read this far, I probably miss you. (smile)