hello, i had read your journal through this whole experience and i left you a negative comment before. it wasnt that i was against abortion i was just thrown off by someone being so open about it and making jokes that caught me a bit off guard. its obvious that this was just your way of coping with things and i guess im just trying to say im sorry! it looks to me like the whole thing has made you a stronger person. good luck with your life!
I suspect that my brother's girlfriend had an abortion today. She was crying all morning because she was going to be late to the mall. Yeah...didn't make sense at all. When they got back she spent the entire time puking in the bathroom and when I used the bathroom there was a lot of bloody pads in the garbage. I know she wears tampons because she's asked me for some before. I'm really worried, not because of the abortion but because my brother threw a midday BBQ and got stoned with his friends while she spent the entire time in the kitchen holding on to the counter. He's an all around scumbag, and if what I suspect is true, and he's emotionally neglecting her, I want to punch him in the face. I don't know exactly what I'm asking...We're not that close, me and my brother/his girlfriend and I don't know if I should approach her. Or what do I even say? "Considering the circumstances you did the right thing"? It's an abusive relationship; he berates her, has cheated on her, got an STD and blamed it on her and I heard him hit her once
( ... )
i'm so sorry. try talking to her, or talking to "an adult you trust." that's a sticky situation, she needs help, but i'm not an expert on going about such things. good luck... :/
yes i am okay. it still fucks me up sometimes, not necessarily just the abortion, but the whole experience. especially my "relationship" with the gentleman.
I randomly came across your blog, and I want you to know that as weird as this may sound, you've changed my life. Thank you for being so courageous. I hope you're doing ok.
Comments 21
hey, i hope you're okay too :)
i am doing pretty okay.
i hope you're well too.
how's your life going?
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