I want to make a Spanish-English television show for children: Los FabulOsos. It would be a lot like the Care Bears (for those who didn't take high school Spanish, oso means bear), but there is
nearly unlimited potential for this terrible pun.
Fabuloso would obviously be the main character, but his each of his friends could be the focus of an episode. He could help them overcome their one character flaw and help the kiddies learn some lesson about sharing or being safe or whatever social norms we are drilling into kids these days.
Perisoso: Everyone can agree that laziness is a sin! Perisoso needs to stop playing video games and clean his room so Fabuloso comes to the rescue. The two are rewarded for their hard work and tidiness with verbal praise and galletitas vegetarianas con leche de soya de Perisoso’s madre.
The Moral(s): Hard work can be rewarding. Teamwork makes chores go faster.
Adiposo: Sloth is so bad we’re going to talk about it again! Adiposo needs to stop playing video games, get off his tubby bear behind, and do something. Fabuloso shows up with a Frisbee and a bunch of other bears and they all play fun aerobic games in the glorious outdoors. Snacks and a song about healthy eating and reasonable portion size ensue (♫Manzanas! We love the apples because they are good for us! (♫muy bi----en para nosortos)♪ We never clear our platos because they hold demaseado para nosotros!♪ (too mu----uch for us)♫). All the bears have fun and receive verbal praise for their wholesome lifestyle.
The Moral(s): Exercise is fun. Fruits and veggies are good and good for you.
Belicoso: An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind! This guy likes to pick fights and that hurts other physically and emotionally. Just before he gets in another tussle, Fabuloso appears with his cadre of compadres and they help Belicoso realize that when he hurts others he is really just hurting himself. The violence stops and Belicoso receives verbal praise from his therapist.
The Moral(s): Violence hurts. Cadre of compadres is pretty fun to say.
Peligrosa: Peril is dangerous! Don’t go skateboarding without your helmet and pads, silly bear. Don’t play with the stove. Don’t cross the street without looking both ways or without holding a parent’s hand (depending on target age group). There is a guest musical appearance by They Might Be Giants who perform “Don’t Cross the Street (in the middle of the block)”. Perisosa learns her lesson with help from Fabuloso and receives verbal praise de su padre.
The moral(s): The world is a terrifying and dangerous place! Look out! Watch out! Terrorists want to kill your whole family, even your pets!
Jactancioso: Pride comes before the fall! Jactancioso is trying to impress all the kids at playground with his boasting, but talks himself into a dangerous situation after Peligrosa goads him on. Fabuloso helps bail him and teaches the lil’ fuzz ball how to make friends without overstating his skills and accomplishments. Jactancioso makes multi-ethnic buddies and they give him companionship and verbal praise is song form. ♫We like you (nos gustas) though you won’t play chicken.♪ We think you’re cool (estas bueno) or even kickin’.♪♫
The moral(s): No one likes a braggart. Seriously, they are jerks.