You are very easy to get along with, you're awesome ! What you wrote is all very true. What really matters is "who" ou are and not "what" you are. I like to believe there is good in everyone too.
Yeah cause we kick ass!!!! Wanna go to dinner later? I have an edcuation thing to go to, I shoudl get out at five. I'll give you a call if I don't hear from you before then! ^_~
That's the spirit....finalrequiemFebruary 9 2002, 10:29:24 UTC
You are absolutly right. It shouldn't matter how you look (unless your covered in blood and holding a chainsaw), you are you, and you are pure. Your true friends will smile at the thought of you. I smile when I think of my friends... and I smile when I think of you, hense that's friendship.
If people judge you by how you look... fuck em. Judging by actions is judging by truth...
"It's the quiet ones you gotta watch... what stupid shit is this? I bet while your watching a quiet one a noisy one will fucking kill you. Your in a bar and there's one guy in a the corner all by himself reading the paper and some guy comes in with a machette covered in blood and screams 'I'm gonna kill the next mother fucker who comes in here!' ...Who you gonna watch?" - George Carlin
Did you ever get an e-mail from me where I said hi and asked how you were and stuff and suggested mailing you a CD of Dream Theater MP3's since you had problems downloading them?
Comments 8
If people judge you by how you look... fuck em. Judging by actions is judging by truth...
"It's the quiet ones you gotta watch... what stupid shit is this? I bet while your watching a quiet one a noisy one will fucking kill you. Your in a bar and there's one guy in a the corner all by himself reading the paper and some guy comes in with a machette covered in blood and screams 'I'm gonna kill the next mother fucker who comes in here!' ...Who you gonna watch?" - George Carlin
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