Nominations are scheduled to close on 8/15. You still have two weeks which is plenty of time to get your nominations in. Nominations may be made by commenting to the
Nominating Post which is located
Some people have been confused about how to format an LJ name properly. Here is a picture of how you would format an LJ name.
Nominations By Fandom
Blood Ties - 27 Nominations
Die Hard - 0 Nominations
Dracula The Series - 3 Nominations Pending Author moving fic from locked journal
Fast & Furious - 0 Nominations
Forever Knight - 1 Nomination
Profiler - 75 Nominations in the General category, 26 in a special ship run off category
Red Dwarf - 0 Nominations
Subspecies - 14 Nominations
To see the break down of the nominations in each fandom, go
here Nominee Banners
All nominees are welcome to take a banner or icon! Put it in your journal or your website and encourage others in your fandom to come take part in the awards!
In the Profiler Fandom, there has been a bit of confusion and hopefully this will clear it up. Last year there were such a large number of Jack/Sam nominations that we gave that ship it's own set of categories in the interest of fairness. If any other ships seem to dominate the categories then we'll consider moving them. BUT unless there's an excessive amount we won't be moving any other ships out of the main category including the other Jack ships which fall under the fandom's definition of "Skew" The idea is to have awards for the fandom and that would include all ships - so barring any other ship dominating the categories, only the one ship will be in an independent category.
We still have a shortage of judges. If there are any of the fandoms you feel you could judge and that you'd have time to judge, please consider signing up. Go to the
Judge Sign-up Post.