Subspecies Winners

Oct 21, 2008 02:27

Here is the list of Subspecies Winners. All categories that had two or more nominees were put to a vote which determined the winner. Categories with only one nominee were scored by the judges to determine whether to give an award or not - those awards are starred - * This entry contains only a list of the winners, to see the full list of nominees, go here.

Author Awards

Best Author *
Winner: memoriamvictus

Best New Author *
Winner: cwalpole

Overall Fic Awards

Best Short Story *
Winner: Untitled -cwalpole

Best Long Story *
Winner: Bloodpact - memoriamvictus

Best Series *
Winner: Bloodpact & Bloodlines - memoriamvictus

Best WIP
Winner: Bleeding Love - subspecies_fan
Runner Up: Bloodchoice- smiler03_9

General Category Fanfic Awards

Best Angst *
Winner: Bleeding Love - subspecies_fan

Best AU Fic *
Winner:Bloodchoice- smiler03_9

Best Crossover
Winner: Like Blood In The Rayne - elsibet34
Runner Up: Two Princes - countess_sam

Best Drama *
Winner: Bloodchoice- smiler03_9

Best Erotic Fic *
Winner: Untitled -cwalpole

Best Minor Character *
Winner: Bloodchoice - Iris- smiler03_9

Erotic Awards

Best Quickie *
Winner: Untitled -cwalpole

Character & Ship Award

Best Characterization *
Winner: Bloodlines - memoriamvictus (Radu)

Best Conventional Pairing *
Winner: Bleeding Love - subspecies_fan

Plot Award Nominations

Best Plot
Winner: Bloodlines - memoriamvictus

Website & Community Awards

Best Livejournal Community *

And finally, although we didn't have a category for it, we wanted to give a special award to countess_sam for her fabulous artwork.

Artist Award *

Subspecies Banners

Judges for Subspecies: lord_a_valente, melsmarsh, m_ravensblood, roman_romantic

round 2 winners, subspecies

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