i guess its pretty hard to stay selfish and heartless it wakes weeks and weeks of training to finally achieve the level of heartlessness you want
i dont need someone to tell me that i'm an asshole to figure it out myself it would be a little more sincere to complain to the person face to face but since i am such an asshole, heres a little suprize.
that ingrown feeling that something is seriously wrong. at the same time its a wake up call, its your mind telling you "get your shit together" just some food for thought, or random thoughts make the most of the time or dont waste hers fuck thinking ehh i'll get my shit together eventually
What to do? its July 4th a day to celebrate in which i plan on doing but why do i feel so awkward oh well life keeps me on my those I'm excited to see what happens
gettign lazy havent posted one of thesse in a few havent been working out as much as i should be WOW that sounded FRUITY! but i've been skating more or less hopefully i have my job back HA! i love my stupidity sunday premier was NUTS tired kinda got stupid last night apologiez are for faces, not computerscreens off to bed hopefully a better
graduation was today, i was called george herlan infront of my entire class George Jon George Jon how do you fuck that up? anyways grinders......... if so, i deserve it later!