But I wasn't very impressed or happy with the last book.
As to why that is...
1. Well, first of all... Sirius was really dead. Not even like... communicating through the mirror dead. Dead. Boring. I think he had maybe 10 lines in the whole book. This is what I get for falling in love with a character....
2. The complete and utter horrific killing of Lupin AND Tonks and how it felt very, very incomplete and brushed over to me. And the lameness that was "he comes over all the time" at the end just made me even more sad.
3. The complete concentration of the Hallows rather than truly focusing on things that I felt were more important. I don't believe that introducing an entirely "new" (though the cloak was not) concept as a major bulk of the 759 pages was a brillant idea. In fact, I found it to be very useless in the end... seeing as how it was more about Dumbledore than Harry or the fight.
4. BELLATRIX... man, oh man... I wanted that bitch to die. I wanted Harry to kill her quite honestly. I really though that the character development and the understanding of what hate/vengenace/ect ect can do to a person ... and what it would take for Harry to finally mean a killing curse would actually be something interesting to explore. But And someone needs to fucking have a vendetta for SIRIUS!!!!!!!
5. The ending reminded me so much of Jane Austen that I wanted to throw up in my mouth. I think a very important lesson of HP was that Tom Riddle was not the first nor will he be the last dark wizard. I think the whole "now everythings perfect" mindframe glosses over many, many concepts that the book was trying to teach. Life isn't perfect. People die. People suffer horrible things and people do CRAZY things for power... to just have it all cute at the train station... I don't know. It wasn't the ending for me. But then again, I hate Jane Austen and cheesy happy endings.
6. The lack of character feeling. Granted, JK has already written six wonderful books full of fleshed out and empathetic characters. But I just felt it was more "assumed" than actually shown. Like Harry's feelings toward Hagrid... and everyone else. It was like .... "OH! I LOVE THEM! THAT SUCKS THEY ARE IN TROUBLE... OH WELL...."
7. The fight between Harry and Voldemort was kinda pathetic.... he's already pretty much fought the guy a handful of times. Voldemort was more scary all the other times and I was much more worried for Harry before. I don't know... walking up and just giving in for the "good of his friends" does show Harry's nature but still... I don't know... the whole backfiring spell... it was just anti-climatic to me.
But there were some good things...
8. I did like the wandlore. It was interesting and more interesting because of the whole twin cores rather than the stupid Hallow thing.
9. Luna made me laugh.
10. Mrs. Weasley's fight kicked some serious ass.
11. The fact that Severus was finally shown to be a little lovesick full and his "always" comment almost made me cry.
12. Dumbledore not being all good.
And yeah. I don't know.... I'd say it was my least favorite book out of them all. Maybe I was expecting too much?
I just think the fanfic I've read have done the story way more justice than JK did and they aren't getting paid.