Feeling a little frustrated. Two largish pieces in the work and the writing fairy has done a bunk. Guess she wasn't too prepared for a huge dose of reality; can't say I blame her.
Two weeks ago I finally got the news I'd been waiting 18months to hear: the last pieces of paperwork on my divorce had been finalised and I was now a free agent. Well at least as free as you can be with shared custody. It meant that I was now able to tackle the pesky real estate market and get myself into long-term debt with a mortgage.
The market here in Western Australia is very competitive, especially in my price range (I am classified 'low-income') and those seeking to own their own home are competing with those who have more money and want 'cheap' investment properties - trust me, cheap is a relative term here. Because of this I anticipated a lengthy, time-eating process - this was when the writing fairy disappeared to gentler minds.
BUT, I must have done something very good, somewhere, sometime, because I found a place this week and my offer to purchase was accepted. Still have the finance hurdle to jump but that's looking pretty good at this stage. Not only did this place tick nine out of ten boxes (and the tenth was only an optional item) it is in a suburb I never thought I'd have a chance of getting into and under budget. It means my daughter can stay at her school and out-of-school care, and none of our routines will change. And it will be mine: no three-monthly inspections, no-one telling me I can't hang a picture or paint a wall.
It does mean I probably only have about six weeks to pack and organise everything for the move and writing will have to take a back seat for a little while. That doesn't mean I'm not writing at all, it's just that it's taking a lot more brain power than I have to give it at the moment.
So, for anyone waiting for Part 5 of "Be Who You Are", may I beg your patience a little longer: it is well and truly underway, fully planned out and more than two-thirds drafted. However, I'm very invested in this work and don't want to rush any part out before it is ready. I hope you understand.
The second piece also needs a lot of mental energy. It's an additional chapter to an earlier work. Don't want to say much more in case it doesn't work the way I desperately want it to.
For now the priorities are - in no particular order - sorting, clearing, packing, stressing, invigorating Twitter conversations, and reading all the other wonderful works going up on LJ and AO3.
Hopefully I won't be 40+ days in the wilderness.