It's well-documented how much I hate "Twilight" and the entire phenomenon. No offense, Twihards, but I don't just think its bad fanfic (which it is), I think it's arguably a dangerous text for young women to be attracted to (somewhere between "suicide attempts will help me win back my one true love" and the bruises=sexy domestic abuse parable of
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Comments 18
I suspect that the geek hierarchy got it right and the last and greatest fan pathology is furry porn...
Otoh, it's more closely allied with RenFaire and battle reenactment...
The odd thing abut the two things you mention that one's the most hidden--to me--fan activity. I mean I was in fandom for quite a while before I even knew what LARPing was and how to do it, and I've yet to see it live...and the other's the most visible and most well known fan behavior.
Heyiya, I do think that LARPing and improv theatre probably have a lot in common but you seriously know large groups of people who LARP but wouldn't connect to fandom/ID as fans? Where fo they LARP? I thought that it was mostly restricted to cons...
(And now I imagine you playing Vampire, of course!!! *bg* Tremere or Malkavian??? [OK, I researched that for an ur-reference on the Buffy fanon of Childe...]
Alas, I've never played D&D. The boyfriend (who has spent many an hour in the proverbial dungeon) keeps trying to get a game together here in LA, so hopefully I'll get the chance to hone my tabletop skills.
Oh yeah, and enkeli was throwing around the same idea you have about going to see the fan-girl squee of insanity.
yes, definitely want to be at ground zero for this... and ix and i will keep you posted on plans!!
and i say, twimoms - BRING IT ON! ;) actually, twimoms kinda scare me and i'm really just putting on a brave front.
Also, can I just mention that in every interview I've read with RPattz and Kristen Stewart, they come off sounding like complete ungrateful assholes? Kristen Stewart, especially, calls the fans of the books retarded in a particular interview on MSN ... What? I get that then fandom is crazy and that maybe they weren't ( ... )
i know we discussed this at length, but i'm so glad you've said this. :)
i've been meaning to email you to see what your plans were re. viewing this flick. i have to see this mess go down in person... !!
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