
Jan 12, 2005 17:11

sorry to be updating again, but i have a question...

Why can guys keep secrets sooo much easier than girls??

seriously you can tell them anything and they won't tell like anyone. but girls are like the second you find out you tell another friend, who tells another, gah its annoying. yeah if you have any imput to this please comment:)

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Comments 6

wereall2blame00 January 13 2005, 00:18:40 UTC
man that so ture!!
some times i hate girls!!!
but gotta live with them...
i think girls tell people secrets because they are incacure...
love you


forthe_taking08 January 13 2005, 01:24:17 UTC
yay you understand!!
i think that girls just need something to start a conversation or something and then their like "omg did you hear about...blah blah blah" then soon the whole world knows. gahh!!
i love you too


in___shambles January 13 2005, 05:00:53 UTC
i agree. but if it was truly a deep secret.. like the terible one i told you about 2 minutes ago.. i trust you sooo much not to tell anyone. so i guess it depends.. gossip and secrets are different. i think girls gossip more to make themselves seem like they know more to make themselves more popular?? idk


one_way_in92 January 13 2005, 05:12:01 UTC
uhm. you are right.

and i tihnk its because guys dont 'gossip' like girls do. haha.


forthe_taking08 January 14 2005, 01:38:06 UTC
okay i understand the like deep secrets thing or whatever, but seriously girls need to work on NOT telling other people and its not just girls telling other girls, even though most of the time it is, its girls telling guys too. gah idk thats happend to me twice, well more than that, but this year and caused alot of shit. . . mm hmm<33


anonymous January 14 2005, 04:03:07 UTC
i get what you mean. i love you ali! how do you spelll bitchin? haha that was hilarious



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