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May 31, 2009 14:34

I met Joss Whedon, wheee!!

I went to see Joss Whedon give the keynote address for Wesleyan University's film studies conference.

I'd read about it on Whedonesque a while ago, but the website said you could only attend the events if you were a Wesleyan person attending the conference. But then I happened to be listening to The Faith Middleton Show on WNPR this week when the film studies director was on the air talking about the conference on Saturday and how Joss Whedon's keynote address is open to the public. So I was like HELL TO THE YES. Wesleyan is about 25 minutes from my house so there was no way I was missing that (like how I missed him when he was there a couple years ago because I just didn't realize he was going to be there... oh btw, it's his alma mater, if you didn't know).

My mom and I got there an hour early (at 7) and stood in a line that was already pretty long. The event was only open to the public on a first come, first serve basis so we made sure we got there early. Although I think the turnout was small enough that no one got turned away. Around 7:45, I spotted Joss walking over to the film center from like a mile away, haha. I'm pretty sure I was the first one to spot him since no one else seemed to notice until he walked right past us. I grabbed my camera as soon as I spotted him and took pictures when he walked by a few feet in front of us. As seen here:

It was so weird, guys. Hardly anyone even responded that JOSS was walking by us. Only one person called out to him and a lot of people didn't even seem to notice he was there! I was like wow this sooo would not happen at a convention, hah.

Anyway, we weren't allowed to take photos during the lecture or Q&A. But it was so great to hear him talk! Since the theme of this year's conference was "Defining American Culture: How Movies and TV Get Made," the talk mainly focused on that, especially on "Buffy"'s various forms. I won't go into everything he talked about, but if you want to ask me what he had to say about particular subject, please do. :) He covered pretty much all his work to some degree, except for "Angel" which he never even mentioned. He especially talked a lot about marketing and the business of TV, as well as the writing (since I think most people in the audience from the conference were aspiring screenwriters)... but he covered a lot of other things, too.

It was really interesting seeing him at his alma mater because there were even some people there that he knew from college. One man, who had been a fellow TA, recalled listening to Joss talking about the idea of "Buffy" in his kitchen. Joss told us, "This guy is my nemesis!" (Competing TAs, I guess, hehe.)

Anyway, here's the best part! During the Q&A, there were actually a lot of good questions, but of course there was that one person who asked for an autograph. Joss asked the audience how many people had brought things for him to sign. About 15-20 people (including moi) raised their hands. He said in that case he would do autographs afterwards. Well, of course, there ended up being closer to 100 people because everyone who hadn't brought anything wanted him to sign their program. (Oh btw, the total number for the audience was probably 300-400... with a little more than half of that being the public.) And then he also took photos with people. Very generous of him! Especially since I could tell he was exhausted. He had just finished wrapping up a movie (Cabin in the Woods), flew home to see his family for a day, flew out here, and then goes back to LA to start working on season 2 of Dollhouse tomorrow.

Joss signing my OMWF script book


Me with his autograph... I was filled with bliss, lol

Wesleyan's Center for Film Studies

The book I got signed and the event's program

Close-up of the autograph

It was sooo great to "meet" him! Still can't quite believe it. Especially since I wasn't even sure we'd get in, and then I thought we'd just see him, then he said he'd do autographs, so I thought that was all, but then he took photos with people too... so it was all a lot more than I expected! This has been my dream and now it's come true!! :)

picspam, photos, joss whedon

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