Hi! You made a beautiful banner for writeontarget, and I was just wondering if you'd have the time to do it again. I really dig your stuff!
I need something to match the layout at ci_slash, and just want a simple banner (blue, please) with ci_slash written on it, 535 pixels x 335 pixels. If you're too busy, I completely understand. Thank you either way!
Webring code is missing..ibdreamyJuly 5 2006, 22:26:48 UTC
Hello, I'm the maintainer at LJ Icon Artist webring and you don't have your webring code up on either your user info or your journal page. I'm sending you your webring code to the email address you used to join. I hope it's the right one. When you add it can you let me know so I can add you back to the webring? We'd love to keep you as part of our ring of icon artists on LJ. Thanx! Ibdreamy
Comments 7
I need something to match the layout at ci_slash, and just want a simple banner (blue, please) with ci_slash written on it, 535 pixels x 335 pixels. If you're too busy, I completely understand. Thank you either way!
Thanks for any help!
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