Who was the last person of the opposite sex you fell asleep on?
Michael :)
Are you a morning person or a night person?
I love both
If a stranger looked in your closet, what would they think?
my wardrobe's all over the place
Do you have any OCD habits?
i have trouble falling asleep without brushing my teeth...?
Are you a forgiving person?
yeah, almost too forgiving i'd say.
Describe your bed:
comfy comfy! and way cute.
The highlight of your week?
Friday was really nice. I got to hangout with my two favorite boys one during the day and one at night.
Who were the last people you ate with?
the fam
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Michael just called me
Do you like your mom?
my memories of her are pretty great?
Who was the last person of the opposite sex to call you?
Just said that - Mike
What were you doing last night?
getting my creativeness on
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
yeah, my apartment i'm moving into in the fall!!
What does the seventh message in your inbox say?
What’s the last piercing you got?
ears way long ago
Toilet papered someone’s house?
If you had to change your name, what would it be?
i like my name thanks.
What did you dream about last night?
haha bizarre dream about me and eric reed in an action movie. probably cause i saw iron man the other day?
Do you want to be married right now?
hell no
Ever paid more than a hundred bucks on a pair of jeans?
fuck that
What's bothering you right now?
school's so tedious. i want it to be over. forever.
Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?
no, more so tea.
The first thing you notice about someone?
Do you want children?
in 50 50 about that.
You're in the hospital, who of your friends comes to visit you?
i'd appreciate anybody who could make the time!
Are you excited about this weekend?
sorta. getting my hair done friday.
Do people underestimate you?
i underestimate myself. thats worse.
When you're in a bad mood, what will always put you in a better mood?
eric. mark. kaelyn.
Have you ever tried to skateboard?
oh god yes
Do people change?
everyday everyone and everythings changing
Are you taller than 5'7"?
ha no way
Does it bother you when someone says they'll call you and they don't?
depends who. sometimes its a blessing in disguise!
Does it bother you when people sit right next to you?
only in empty movie theaters