Mar 20, 2009 23:56
- 13:37 @ elletea , the episode is up there! P.S., I miss you! #
- 13:40 I missed not leaving my bed until I read a chapter or two of a book. It's the little things. Everyone rushes far too much. I'm one of them. #
- 14:08 I'm tempted to visit the Border's midnight release party of Twilight. I don't even want the DVD, I just want to people
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Mar 19, 2009 23:56
- 00:02 @ robgokeemusic Incredible thing I just found-Find the nearest market that has the Dreyers flavor of your choice. Handy! #
- 12:02 Got booked to be a fan at a concert in a movie called "Backstage Pass". I feel like my life is becoming one bad cliché. Or, Groundhog Day. #
- 12:12 @ perfectdenial And it's a heavy metal concert. Why did
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Mar 18, 2009 23:56
- 23:28 I've had zero energy all day, and my voice is slowly changing for the worse. In good news, the market had my favourite flavor of ice cream. #
- 23:40 @ robgokeemusic Take The Cake, which is like a birthday cake. It was a limited edition last year for Idol, but was at the market yesterday. #
Mar 17, 2009 23:56
- 12:02 Absolutely beautiful day! Listening to an audiobook and walking to do some errands. Love California weather! #
- 16:27 Why is the cheapest price for a flight to Easter Island $1300?! New mission of the year: find a way to fly there for under $800. #
- 21:06 Drowning my system with Vitamin C and Simon Baker. #
Mar 16, 2009 23:55
- 13:34 "Meet FTSK Backstage at the Concert of Your Choice" Current Bid: $275.00 / # of bids: 4 . What?! Sure it's for charity, but come on! #
- 15:37 Beautiful weather like today is why I absolutely love living in California. #
- 18:48 Oh boy @tidesandclouds, that reminds me of the Brand New milestone/millstone incident. Anyone else? #
- 20:41 Hey, @
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Mar 15, 2009 23:56
- 10:57 I ran so fast down the stairs for the metro. Think the driver kept the doors open a few seconds longer so I could bolt in. So, so grateful. #
- 12:53 Its freezing. Church was fun, informative. Love how open people are to introducing themselves, shaking hands, saying hello. It's wonderful. #
Mar 14, 2009 23:55
- 00:42 Getting my outfits together for set tomorrow. Look: 18 to look younger (18TLY). Our schools colors are green and yellow... Packer colors!! #
- 00:57 @ robgokeemusic Oh no, was there an issue with your Tweets? #
- 09:53 On set. The worst part about 18TLY/kids on set is you're not really sure if that attractive guy is playing 18TLY, or really
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Mar 13, 2009 23:56
- 11:03 #followfriday @tidesandclouds, @boomboxhearts, @mikeygalt, @shanecottle, @thekailani #
- 11:30 The most disappointing thing was walking to a shop to discover they no longer have "5¢ coffee Fridays". What a bummer! #
- 12:13 7-11 to the rescue! Delicious coffee, latest issue of LA Weekly, dry cereal since a market trip is needed. No complaints,
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Mar 12, 2009 23:56
- 10:26 The best advice I've received in a long time: "A closed mouth doesn't get fed." Taking that advice starting now. #
- 17:23 I got booked for House on Saturday! #
- 19:14 Consume This Movie! at the art center with Tara! #
- 21:22 Ever think about how much you consume? Ever thought about changing it? #
Mar 11, 2009 23:56
- 05:41 I ran outside to head to set and saw signs for one of my favorite shows... its filming right by my house today! Oh, my luck! #
- 19:22 I'm on my third cup of coffee. Still on location. One of the lead actors introduced himself to me, so did his stand-in. It ruled! #
- 20:37 To hear, "I understand what you're going through," rather than a
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