So I was having kind of a shitty day, but something exciting just happened.
First, the backstory:
When I was in St. Augustine, Florida this summer, I left these guys tucked into the sand of a small island off the coast:
Each one had my email address written on the back.
Now to the awesome:
Today, I got this email:
Hello my name is Renae and I found your spoons on the beach in St Augustine Florida and I saw your e-mail on them :D very cute idea..they lasted standing until just last week when we had hurricane winds and rain. I live around here and visit that beach ofthen and I looked for them every time! if you would like to keep in touch you have my e-mail adress.
I wrote her back and now I'm all kinds of excited. This is so neat. So I guess this post is an object I left, which was found.... :)