Fall 2009 Sign Ups

Aug 01, 2009 14:26


Welcome to the
Fall 2009
Hogwarts Founders
Fic and Art

Let's hear it for round two! Sign ups will be open from today till August 15th (PST). That's two weeks. Please don't wait to sign up till the last minute, because that can provide confusion with time zone differences. If you'd like to get an idea of how last year's round went, feel free to check out the masterlist

Please take time to review the community profile, as it gives an overview of the exchange, the rules, etc. For brevity's sake, however, here are the submission rules. By signing up for this exchange, you agree to follow all of these rules.

1. All fics must have a minimum word count of 1,000 and should be completed. They should not be sequels to or continuations of a pre-existing work. There is no maximum word count; however, if you want to write a novel-length fic, make sure you manage your time! Also keep in mind that most exchange fics end up being somewhere between 2,000 and 6,000 words. Artwork should be of a quality somewhat equivalent to this; it should not be a quick doodle on Microsoft Paint, but should be completed and should have taken some effort. No photomanipulations or the like are allowed.

2. All fics must be spell-checked and beta-read. Fics riddled with numerous grammar/spelling mistakes will be sent back with a request for a beta-reader to look them over. If you cannot find a beta-reader, contact the mods, and they will be happy to do it for you or find someone else to do it.

3. All fics and artwork must be newly-created by the author or artist. Old works are not acceptable, and furthermore, plagiarism is not tolerated. Reasonably-sized quotes from books, songs, etc., are allowed with proper credit.

4. All fics and art, upon completion, should be sent to the mods at foundersgiftsmod@gmail.com. Fics should be in .txt or Word format, and should contain all proper html tags. Art should be sent as either an attachment in .jpg, .gif, or .png format or uploaded to an image hosting site such as Photobucket (you would email us the link). Proper heading information should be sent along with both fics and art.

5. Since this is an anonymous exchange, all fics and art posted will remain anonymous until the time of the big reveal. That means you may not claim a piece of fic/art as your own, or post it elsewhere, until after the exchange is done and the big reveal is posted.

6. NC-17 - rated fics or art are allowed but somewhat discouraged, since this is not meant to be a smut exchange. To give or receive NC-17 - rated material, you must be eighteen years of age or older and should have an age statement in your profile. All NC-17 - rated posts will be marked for adult content. Additionally, due to LiveJournal's policy, fics/art depicting characters under the age of eighteen in explicitly sexual situations are not allowed.

7. All submissions, of course, must be centered around the Hogwarts Founders and that particular time-period.

8. If you need an extension during which to complete your submission, please email the mods.

But now, to the sign up form!

Under 'RECEIVING,' you will find a question about 'personal canon.' This is included because so very little is known about the Founders, and so some people have already formed a strong idea of how they prefer them to be characterized/look. This question is entirely optional, but feel free to link to pictures, etc.

Age (only if you plan on giving/receiving NC-17-rated material):
LJ name of someone you trust (and can keep a secret) that the person creating your gift can contact with questions about your preferences (optional):

Fic or art:
Desired rating of yor gift (G to NC-17):
Romance or gen:
If romance, then which ships? (try to put more than one)
Situations, genres, things, etc., you would like to receive:
Situations, genres, things, etc., you would NOT like to receive:
Any personal canon you would like to see included? (Character appearance, background, etc.)
A few extra prompts for your gift (optional):

Fic or art:
Highest rating you will write/draw (G to NC-17):
Romance or gen:
Situations, SHIPS, characters, genres, things, etc., you can/would like to write/draw:
Situations, SHIPS, characters, genres, things, etc., you CANNOT/would NOT like to write/draw:
Your writing/drawing strengths (optional):

Age (only if you plan on giving/receiving NC-17-rated material):
LJ name of someone you trust (and can keep a secret) that the person creating your gift can contact with questions about your preferences (optional):

Fic or art:
Desired rating of yor gift (G to NC-17):
Romance or gen:
If romance, then which ships? (try to put more than one)
Situations, genres, things, etc., you would like to receive:
Situations, genres, things, etc., you would NOT like to receive:
Any personal canon you would like to see included? (Character appearance, background, etc.)
A few extra prompts for your gift (optional):

Fic or art:
Highest rating you will write/draw (G to NC-17):
Romance or gen:
Situations, SHIPS, characters, genres, things, etc., you can/would like to write/draw:
Situations, SHIPS, characters, genres, things, etc., you CANNOT/would NOT like to write/draw:
Your writing/drawing strengths (optional):

Here is our ideal schedule, based on last year's fest - which worked out fairly well.

Sign ups: August 1, 2009 - August 15, 2009
Assignments sent: August 16 - 20
Fics and art due: September 20
Posting begins: October 1
Posting ends: Late October
Big reveal: Late October

Yes, you'll be only getting a month during which to write and draw, but remember that I am more than willing to grant reasonable extensions; and if no one has turned anything in by the deadline, I will instate a community extension, too.

If anyone has questions, don't hesitate to ask! I hope you're as excited about this as I am!

.fall 2009, !mod post, !sign up post

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