...They Screw you...

Jun 27, 2005 18:16

They Fuck you in the morning,
they Fuck you in the Night,
they Fuck you till your sideways,
and you think that Fuckin's Right.

Oh I really love this screwin',
it's goin' to my head,
No wonder when this happens,
people wish that they were dead.

So, what is going on in my life? We're being screwed. I wish people just had the damn balls to come out and say, bend over bitch.. you need to take it. At least then you know they didn't bring any lube. Instead we get this pussy footing around, it'll all be ok .. it's not a big deal, it'll all be over next week. Oh.. except that we might fire you.. the only reason we're not going to, is because you did something that I like at the beginning of your career and it has been 15 years that you've been working for us. That is of course, AFTER we demote you, take 1/2 your pay, and then make you work overtime with no compensation. Oh, and by the way.. now that we've got your attention... Yeah, that double jeopardy that we said WASN'T going to happen.. we've found a loop-hole. We want to fire you after all, and we want to do it now.

Ever make a mistake, and find suddenly that is the only thing they can see about you. It doesn't matter that you've given 15 years of blood, sweat, and tears. It doesn't matter that for 15 years you have lived and died for your profession, for your country. It doesn't matter that you've sacrificed a closeness with your family, the first steps and words of your children, as well as countless priceless moments that you can never get back. It doesn't matter that you were just getting situated and comfortable with a person that made you whole, and that is your grounding force and would help your career progress as it should. It doesn't matter. None of it matters, because it's all about fucking politics. You can't get the paperwork done to get proper equipment, training, and assistance. You can't get paperwork filed on the dirtbags and the jerks because they always know someone somewhere, even though for every one person they know there's 5 they've pissed off or pissed on. But take one decent person that screws up one time, and they can't wait to get your paperwork filed and you out the door. Do not pass Go, and you better forget your last paycheck - We're taking it for our own satisfaction. Absolutely Unbelievable.

We have each other. That is the important thing.
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