Title: His Perfect Partner (12/?)
Rating: R
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through 3.14 is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 3142
Summary: After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally
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Comments 25
Anywho, I am loving this au. The characters (canon and oc) are fab and interact so well together. This last scene may have just killed me. It is so sweet and I teared up a little. It was the most calm/nerve wracking/anticipatory moment I've felt recently while reading a kiss scene. Such a great reference (in my mind, I think that's where you were going) to the Blackbird/"there was a moment" moments.
Thank you so much for writing this!
I'm so glad you decided to take a chance on my little story, and I hope you keep enjoying it!
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