Celebrity Harem

May 04, 2010 15:00

Well, I'm avoiding studying for finals, what are you doing? And what better way to distract myself than with some sexy subjects of human anatomy? ;P

Last summer, dorian_mauve and I were talking about who would be in our very own celebrity harem...so, I decided that I would post my final picks here...as I promised a couple months ago. ^^;

First things first: Dwayne Johnson! Probably the only man who completely goes away from my usual type, aka skinny white boys. But he's always so adorable in his behind the scene features...and I have a thing for arms. They're sexy.

Then: Seann William Scott. One of the longest lasting obsessions for me. I want to bone him.

Stephen Lynch. I think I love this man more every year.

Alyson Hannigan. There is no other woman that I want to do more than her.

Jared Padalecki. Although I like Dean more than Sam, Jared will totally have my heart before Jensen.

John Simm. Because. You know you want to too.

Karl Urban. I want to suck on those lips so badly...and that's not the only thing I want to suck....I'm a bad influence on myself.

Kevin Sorbo...don't judge me.

Nathan Fillion. Despite that the fact that I love him because he's like a four year old on a sugar high with ADD makes me feel like a pedofile...I couldn't leave him off.

Niel Patrick Harris. Someone's to keep the rest of the boys busy while I'm having fun with the rest. And it would turn me on so much to watch.

Seth Green. Because...why isn't he on yours?

And that's all folks. On a side note: my s key is being a bitch and keeps not pressing...this will make my drunk types very hard.

real life, dirty mind, too much free time

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