WHO: Everyone (reply to your corresponding team thread. Teams are
WHEN: A few hours after dawn.
WHERE: Starts off at the sub before branching to four different locations; two teams in the city zone, one fairly near to the Meat Factory, and the housing district to the north of the Sub.
SUMMARY: Shade issues his first mission - to retrieve
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Comments 41
Whatever. If this was Shade's little game, he wasn't going to play it.
There was one thing that Ikuto hated more about missions that having to fight- was the waterways. It wasn't that he didn't like water, it was just a nuisance. Fortunately for him though, being the agile creature he was, he spent most of the duration of the tunnel almost half way up a wall on a fourty-five degree angle, staying as far away as literally possible from the water itself ( ... )
In the damp, dark tunnels, however, his good mood was rapidly tapering off. He'd take the Sub over these never-ending waterways. He'd insisted on carrying Rhyme piggyback as they travelled through them, because like hell he was going to let her get soaked and catch cold and get sick. Besides, she wasn't heavy.
"Fourty minutes?!" Beat huffed, adjusting his grip on Rhyme. His patience was wearing thin by now. "Yo, Blueberry, we been walkin' long enough. Find a shortcut."
Soren knew better than to rely on best case scenarios. "We surface in around three minutes," he stated idly, continually looking from the surrounds of the waterway to the hand-drawn map he held. It wasn't perfect, he conceded - but it would do for this. "Keep quiet," he added somewhat more harshly.
(OOC: Ahahaha hope I did that right. *early in the morning*)
"Hey... Soren," he whispered. "Are we going to need our weapon now?"
"Watch out for these things Sora. I saw one when I got here... These aren't Heartless."
Riku observed Soren with disdain. "I never voted for you to be leader," was all her could say before sitting in a darker corner of the sub and going silent.
He paused and turned on Ed, eyes narrowed as he tried to make him out through the tunnel gloom. "We'll boost you up there first," he gestured to the manhole above them. If he'd counted right, this would take them not too close to the warehouse, but not too far, either. "Same as usual: check if it's safe and we'll climb up after you."
Hearing that it was clear, his face flicked to Squall, his cap swaying slightly. "You next. I can get up fairly easily," he tilted his head to one side, calculating the distance, before continuing, "Want a hand?"
She knew it would either be this corner or the next one when they could finally go up and outside- some manhole, somewhere- and running into a spot of bother with the water levels wasn't a... well, good thing. At least it seemed to have died down to just ankle height now. "You holding up okay, Jack?" she said quietly, looking over her shoulder back at him, and mostly ignoring Jansen, before addressing both of them. "Just a couple more turns, then we can go outside."
(OOC: Hope you don’t mind me going again ^_^)
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