This will help me; maybe it will help others, maybe not. But here's everything I've got in Entourage, listed, summarized, and linked. Everything is Vince/Eric unless specifically noted; other listed pairings are in addition to the V/E, because, yeah, that's how I roll. Heh.
Here's Us Together Overall: Eric/Vince. Continuing.
- If We Were Anybody. How it started, how it ends, with a trip to Seattle thrown in.
- Get It Together. The aftermath of the Seattle trip. Two Parts.
- What It's Like. An interlude after Get It Together; the boys go to Rome.
- People Come Around. From Turtle's point of view, the next year of the guys' lives. Very long (40,000 words). Six parts and an epilogue.
- Get Used To It. Eric thought there'd be a grace period. He was wrong.
- BONUS SERIES MATERIAL (the pieces that don't quite fit in chronological order):
- The Interview. Transcript of an interview mentioned in "Get Used To It."
- Outtake: Perks. An outtake, that fits in during March and April of "People Come Around."
- Personal Security. Basically a sex interlude, but I snuck a little plot in there.
Series: Come Back to Me. Complete.
- Come Back to Me. Eric/OFC. Vince's point of view. Eric gets married and has kids, and Vince loves them all. Two parts.
- Full Time. Eric's point of view. Eric becomes a full-time single parent. Only, hey, he's not single. Four parts.
- Slumber Parties. Eric has to do some explaining about where babies come from.
Series: Best of Both Worlds. Complete.
- Best of Both Worlds. Vince wonders what it would have been like, if he'd refused to leave New York without Eric, and then... he finds out. Sort of an AU. Sort of.
- Accept What You Cannot Change. E wonders the same thing, and finds out what it could have been like for him. Also sort of an AU.
- Boys Will Always Break Your Heart. From the point of view of Eric's mother: The boys come home to visit. Three parts.
- Relax. NC-17. A response to the Rounds of Kink challenge. Vince wants Eric to relax.
- Whatever Happens Ne*t. A post-ep to "The Day Fu*kers," from a what-if challenge: What if E didn't go for the girl at the end?
- So: A Hollywood Fairytale. Vince gets married; he also gets E. Four parts.
- That Kind of Story. Eric/OFC. Vince gets sick. Very long (40,000 words). Ten parts and an epilogue.
- Me With You and You With Me. Eric/OMC, Vince/OFC. Vince's new girlfriend reminds everyone of someone.
- Made Men. Written for entourage_fest, the request being a re-write of Season 2 where Vince makes Tapping the Source instead of Aquaman.
- First Time. Kind of a post-ep, explaining why Vince never told Eric who he thinks of as his first.
Ficlets & Drabbles: