I am not actually squee-ful about this episode, but this is my only Ten icon.
Before I start,
this post on 3.13 and series three in general made me appreciate it more fully. Mostly series three and not 3.13, because there was some really fantastic stuff in the previous 12 episodes. There was even some fantastic stuff in this one. Somewhere.
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Comments 9
And the fact that it was deus ex machina didn't bother me so much as the fact that it was logistically impossible as well as a stretch even for a SF/F fan.
I do not think I can thank you enough for this rec. It has made me think about my own essay I've been working on about faith throughout S3, because it's definitely jumped out at me in this season above the past seasons. Thank you, thank you.
First of all, the beginning was breathtaking.
It was! It has so much promise, although I was seriously in the "how the heck will they resolve ALL OF THIS in the next 50 minutes? How?" It just seemed way too much. But Simm is amazing.
The shot at the end of the Master's ring being retreived seems to back up my hypothesis.For me, the shot at the end of the Master's ring brings up the interesting possibilities of not just the Master, but of Lucy too. Then again, I really love the two of them together ( ... )
I'm burned out on the god complex, to be honest, but I guess the idea itself wasn't so much what I had an issue with; it was the execution. I prefer my heroes "ordinary" rather than imbued with mystical power (one of the reasons I was never a huge fan of Buffy-the-girl, though I loved Buffy-the-show) and the floating was just. Too. Far.
Good call on Martha walking away without regret, as a contrast to "The Lazarus Experiment." I hadn't thought of that. And I can't take credit for finding that post; I just followed a link from my f-list.
Here's the thing: I DO!
I loved his work on Shaun of the Dead and when I saw him in Who and heard him narrating Confidential, I knew that I needed to consume what he produced.
I dragged my husband to see Hot Fuzz and all I could do afterwards was gush about how outrageously hot and brilliant Simon Pegg was... and I can't believe that I still haven't seen anything but dribs and drabs of Spaced. I should bite the bullet and order the DVD from amazon.co.uk.
I can totally get being burned out by the god-complex. And yes, it was the execution that I really didn't like over the concept. Parts of me want to stick my fingers in my ears and pretend it never happens. I know that in future watchings, I will be skipping portions of this episode. Alas. That makes me sad.
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