Doctor Who: This is going to be the season of wacky comedy, isn't it? I mean, I love wacky comedy! And I don't know what else I expected with the Tate/Tennant combo, because clearly those two are meant to do comedy together, forever and ever amen. But the broad comedy of the pantomime through the windows finally clued me in that this expanded comedy horizon for DW.
And I had heard rumors about Rose returning, but I didn't actually believe them, so the suspiciously-averted blonde turning out to actually be Billie Piper was...really kind of an awesome shock.
(PS. I want an adipose baby for a pet. They are SO CUTE it hurts me a little on the inside.)
(PPS. Doctor, you did not ruin Martha for life. Pssh. Not, I don't think, with the year that never was, and certainly not with her fancying you. But good on you for finally recognizing that people tend to fall a little bit - or a lot - in love with you, and kind of laying out the boundaries from the start. Not that I think Donna is in danger of falling for you, but there's the possibility that she's protesting a bit too much. Anyway, bravo, Doctor. That is the kind of behavior I wanted to see.)
Last night I had the option of watching either DW or TW, and I chose DW, since I was kind of sure that Torchwood was going to bring me down.
I, seriously...two characters? TWO? I would be impressed by the balls it takes to kill off two main characters within a few minutes of each other (and not have it end up reversing itself by the end of the episode) except that THEY KILLED TOSH, THOSE BASTARDS. (Really NOT an awesome shock.)
I mean, Owen, sure, it had to happen, right? But Tosh too? Whyyyyyyyyy? (And just when we got an explanation of why Tosh was a medical doctor in "Aliens of London." I mean, total retcon, but a believable one.)
(PPPS. Um, can we have Martha full time now? And please not Spike. [Whatever, he's totally Spike.] Hell, hire Rhys. And Martha. Or PC Andy and Martha. Not that anyone can replace Tosh.)