Today is the national day of silence...yaaay. Gays! XD The gay dude I chill with is so gay its very awesome. I love him...he's like fixing my hair everyday when I need it XD Brilliant. So yeah....
Hey, my little step sisters are gonna grow up to be sluts. Well, if they keep hanging out with those two little other sluts. They're 7 years old and they sing "Smack That" and walking around the house with eatser eggs and socks in their shirts saying "I have boobies, Ashley!"...thank god I got paid for watching/ignoring them doing that. Fucking tards.
Siiiigh. PMS makes you achingly miss the brilliant things that went on the day before PMS started. couegghagfdaourh84seanconcertcough32ttw. I'm goin' crazy about how awesome that dude is, seriously. I think I might be a......*gasp* proud Seanion. XD Don't worry Fhanis...I'm still in luuuv XD I just wish Dhani would move faster gaahhh.
haha my dad is now a Seanion. I asked if he was and said..pfft no. Kahaha he's a fannnboooyyy. He told me he searched for the chords to Spectacle (I'm playin' that at the Lennon tribute this year) and said he saw the picture of Dhani and him show up XD. I'm like..the one like this? and made Dhani's puss face and he laughed and said yyeeep. I love my daaaaad. I wanna move out of this house nooooooooowwww.
I tried Sean's (was it Sean?) funny quote about dogs eating peanut butter ("you laugh now, but that shit is cool"... or something) on my step-dog Zoie with Danielle cause I told her about it. Funny shit. Aaand we filmed it XD.
Yeah...I need to write up a ghey English report before the marking period. I never did it, it was like...due two months ago and the sub for the past 3 months was like...yyyeah you never turned this in sooo get it to me by next morning. Pfft, I knew it..I never had to do it until now. XD Oh well, I have nothing better to do.