Who: Nusakan
beta_crb and Dean
fullonswayzed (unless someone else would like to save the poor psycho-in-training, in case just ask Chev. Warning, though, Nusakan imprints.)
What: Save the princess Looking for survivors.
When: Day 02, around noon
Where: Back at the school.
Warnings: Gore and language. Also possibly the ghei.
In stage 1, body temperature drops by 1-2°C below normal temperature (1.8-3.6°F). )
Comments 13
Well, that, and look for supplies. And where else to go for mass amounts of barely-edible food (that would, despite its distinct lack of taste, keep people alive) but a highschool cold storage unit?
So it was with a loaded shotgun slung over one shoulder and his duffel at ready to receive as many reddi-meal packs as he could stuff into it that he opened the door to the freezer and promptly went, 'Holy shit--'
And that was it, jacket off, bag dropped, he was at the person's side in less time than it took to realize that he knew them.
If ever there'd been a time for Dean to swear, this was it. And he did so. Liberally.
"Nusakan, what the hell--!" Dean's hands were gentler than his voice as he tried to pull Nusakan into a sitting ( ... )
He held a hand up and touched his thumb to his pinkie like he did before in an example that he could do it, though it wasn't an easy task to accomplish.
"It's a pull door." he gave, in explanation to why he had been in the freezer, and in the state he was in that made perfect sense all on its own.
He made a beeline for the teacher's lounge. He knew (from personal - and coital! experience) that there was a coffee maker there. Some crappy thing from the seventies with a pallor to put paisley to shame, but damned if it didn't work.
Dean was just glad that the zombies had pretty much cleared out. He'd seen two on the way in and wasted 'em pretty as you please. If they made a resurgence now, well. He was screwed about six ways to Sunday with a cherry on top. He stopped only to pick up his duffel (trickier than one might think, with both hands occupied).
"I-it was a r-really heavy p-pull door." he stuttered out, still shivering and curling as close to Dean as he could for the body heat. "The... those things, d-didn't seem to h-have much in the way of- of m-motor c-c-c-c-coordination, so I th-thought..." that it would be safe there, that they wouldn't be able to get in. And he was right. But then he realized afterwards that he didn't know when it would be safe to come back out.
"...is it over?"
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