Challenge #2: Football.

Mar 01, 2006 12:29

Title: Bruises
Author: linwenilid
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Artemis
Challenge: Football.
Word count: 100
Notes: He did want to improve his physical abilities, right?


Association football was, after all, the world’s favourite sport. Behind twenty-two players and a medium-sized ball lay a world of possibilities, deceptions and enchantments, entwined with the manifold strategies and devices of players, managers, referees, etc…

However, as it required both intelligence and physical strength (speed, ability, stamina…) to be developed successfully, Artemis’s final self-evaluation was poor. He might possess the tactics, but his legs told him he lacked strength. And speed, ability and stamina. It had been probably a bad idea to sign up to St. Bartleby’s football team this soon…

He only wished bruises didn’t hurt that much.


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