Gen Battle: Overview

Feb 04, 2009 13:26

So the porn battle, obviously, was excellent, because... fandom. Porn battle. What's not to love?

Except I kept running into the obvious problem: I am in fandoms where bears and frogs go on road trips together and real people dive into human-sized bowls of pasta. As such, I have no interest in writing porn.

Gen fic (and art, for that matter), on the other hand? I am ALL OVER THAT.

Helpful Hints
Okay: Friendly hugs
Not okay: Friendly groping

Okay: Doing it for the lulz
Not okay: Doing it for the orgasms

Okay: Angst over a lost kitten
Not okay: Angst over a lost boyfriend

If you know the rules of the porn battle, you pretty much know the rules of the gen one. But just in case you're unsure...

Quick outline
  1. I'm collecting prompts from now until February 11, probably around 4 PM (I'm on US EST).
  2. I'll post the list of prompts on the morning of February 14, because if I have to work on Valentine's Day I deserve to come home to something awesome.
  3. You'll have two weeks to write/draw/manip/vid/sing your story from any of the prompts, ending on February 28 around 6 PM.
  4. You can make as many entries as you want. Multiple people can use the same prompts, and you can use your own prompts if you want.
  5. The entries will be limited to what will fit in one comment (4,300 characters). If you're creating an image, please keep it to under 800 px wide/500 kb. You can post a thumbnail with a link to the picture in its full size.

Please feel free to use this post for anything you're confused about, including questions and offers of volunteering to make my life easier with this. (If you're interested in things like 'statistics' or 'timely links to fics once this is closed', volunteering is an A+++ idea.)

Otherwise: Prompt post is here. Go nuts.

fic: gen battle

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