The Midnight Spider

Aug 19, 2005 07:11

Okay, so late last night I felt the need to take a midnight bathroom break. That might be a little TMI, but I need to set the mood ( Read more... )


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fox_reed August 19 2005, 06:38:50 UTC
The Granddad I'm guessing.
We've had the whole family of them! They're no special kind, the UK doesn't breed that many weird spider types.

He was just a big SOB! That's all I know!


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fox_reed August 19 2005, 07:25:56 UTC
Nuuuuu... Not a daddy-longlegs. Those things have tiny bodies and huge legs. This guy, was just a BIG spider! Admitedly, I didn't get a close look or go and ask him what kind he was, so I dunno if he really was or not... But he sure as hell didn't have a little body! He was BIG!


violet_raine August 19 2005, 06:59:34 UTC
Ew! Spiders! If there's one thing I'm majorly afraid of, its spiders.
I think it's because I one before. I sprayed it and it chased me....around the room. <.< Scary bastard.


fox_reed August 19 2005, 07:02:51 UTC
Oooh... I HATE those ones! Akin to the little gits who, once sprayed, play dead and then get up and bugger off while you're not looking and leave you in fear that they might jump out and get you when you least expect it!!!

But being chased by one... *shudders* I've had one jump out at me and force a girly scream out of me, but never chased! Not yet!

How did you ever survive??? Did you kill it?!?


violet_raine August 19 2005, 07:09:49 UTC
XD! Yeah! The little buggers disappear and you think they're plotting to crawl into your bed or in your shoe or something and just wait there for the right moment to scare ya. XD

XD! Seriously. It followed me until the bug spray kicked in and it crawled all pathetic like, still trying to get to me.
It gradually died from the spray and I didn't want to go near it...just in case.


fox_reed August 19 2005, 07:28:45 UTC
Just in case... it was waiting for you to come close enough to wave it's legs and scare you one last time so it can die laughing!! They're evil!

I don't care if they catch flies and things and it's bad luck to kill them... I suggest we kill them all and wipe their menace from the face of the earth!!


yami_whoo August 19 2005, 07:03:48 UTC
Holy shit, I'd pass out from lack of oxygen after I found myself unable to do anything but gasp for breath and shake uncontrollably XD;

Spiders are one of the things I REFUSE to deal with. I'd have no shame screaming my ass off and waking up everyone in the house to help me kill it o_o;


fox_reed August 19 2005, 07:30:52 UTC
*laughs* That thought did cross my mind... But he was between me and the way out and my sister's just as bad as me with spiders, she'd be frozen and huddled in a corner! And my mum... she'd save the little creature and throw it out unharmed! I wanted it dead! Spiders that big are just... wrong! On so many levels!


crescent_vision August 19 2005, 08:22:31 UTC
...I feel for you.

You probably read this? A few weeks ago I was about ready to go to bed when I saw a spider as big as my hand crawling over my bed, then dissapear behind the frame., sleep that night? Hell no.


fox_reed August 19 2005, 08:28:02 UTC
*shudders* Oh man... that doesn't sound good at all. I would have ended up sleeping with my mum or downstairs after something like that. If there's a spider in my room, I don't sleep or rest until it's dead. Not just gone, has to be dead or it'll come back!

But you poor soul... Did you get it in the end?


crescent_vision August 19 2005, 08:34:03 UTC
Uh, oddly enough? I never saw the spider again. By the next day I was so exhausted I just fell asleep. I was actually more worried about hurting the spider than of it. (I try to avoid killing things by all means possible.)


fox_reed August 19 2005, 08:37:49 UTC
Really?? You're like my mum... she refuses to hurt them, instead she'll capture them and throw them outside. I just... can't stand them and they have to die because they ALWAYS come back for me! I tend to attract them...


tigerzahn August 19 2005, 08:22:31 UTC
FSCKING SH!T!!! Bugs scare me the same way too. ;_; I always turn a light on and peer ALL OVER the room to make sure I don't see one at night or in a usually dark room. >>;;


fox_reed August 19 2005, 08:26:18 UTC
Wanna know what's funny? I do the same thing!! Usually when I go the bathroom or something late at night I'll watch where I'm going... It's just typical that the night when I DON'T do that is the night when the biggest spider I've ever seen is waiting for me to trip over him!!


tigerzahn August 19 2005, 08:29:40 UTC
Happened that way to me too. TWICE. Once I just flipped on the light and came face to face with one. ;_; I screamed. LOUD scream.


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