Dracoaccio's birthday present!

Dec 14, 2004 15:50

In honor of dracoaccio upon the occasion of her birthday, I have written a truly awful drabble or ficlet or what have you.

So happy birthday, dear dracoaccio! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu! (Two days laaaaaate!)

*drops drabble/ficlet and scuttles back under rock from whence she came*

Title: The Consequences Of Bad Behavior; or A Completely Made Up Story As A Present To Dracoaccio
Author: foxallweek
Notes: H/D. Slash ahoy. PG, because I cannot write smut.
Obligatory Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns all Harry Potter characters and I do not, la la la.

Draco Malfoy, while eating his morning porridge with a silver spoon and an attitude, suddenly realized that Harry Potter was hot. He dropped the spoon into his porridge in horror. Crabbe swallowed a bit of toast daintily and raised an eyebrow. “Really, Malfoy. What manners.”

Draco tried very hard not to shove his spoon up Crabbe’s left nostril, but he was only human. As Crabbe tried to remove the spoon, Draco decided that the only course was to leg it for the wide open spaces, where no hot Harry Potters lurked.

But as fate would have it, he reached the door precisely as Granger, Weasel, and the one and only Potter, looking delectable, approached.

Draco, in a state of complete terror, made a sound like “yarrr.” He abruptly turned and fled. Hermione, Ron, and Harry looked at each other.

“Malfoy is weird,” said Ron.

“But hot,” said Harry.
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