Pulled this from Facebook. The rules say that you write 25 random facts about you that most people don't know. Then you tag 25 people, including anyone that tagged you. Let's see what I can come up with!
1) I've been told that I'm "humble on the point of annoying."
2) There's 2 things that I do... Appologize and think that people always hate me. And spell poorly... 3 things =D
3) I always wanted to be a teacher, but I was afriad that my liberal outlook on life would make me loose that job faster than Mexican water makes you loose control of your bowels. But then I came to college and realized that research is PAINFUL. So I'd much loose my job by telling kids to use condoms than to do research for the rest of my life...
4) I use "..." a lot when I'm typing.
5) I have this thing where I have a hard time understanding language, especially if there are other sounds/conversations going on. My hearing is above perfect and I can tell WHO is talking and WHERE the sounds are coming from. But it takes alot of effort for me to figure out what is actually being said.
6) I had to go to a special program before I was allowed to go to kindergarden that helped me with #5. Now I just mostly have the hard time when multiple conversations are going on at once.
7) Because of 5 & 6, I advoid using the phone like the plague. So I pay extra for the unlimited txt-ing plan for my cell so I can actually hold a conversation.
8) I'm running out of ideas and pulling things apart to make up more =P
9) I don't think very much of myself and depend on other people's reactions towards me way too much to be healthy. I need to stop that.
10) I like fruit, especially strawberries =D I like veggies too, but I don't care for chocolate much... How am I so fat?!
11) I like the number 11 because it's very symetrical... And I only turn the volume on the tv to incriments of 5... And it REALLY bugs me when thing's aren't physically pleasing to the eye. Maybe I have OCD o.0 But I'm not very obsessed with germs though, unless I can physically see the dirt. And I can't stand to have dirty on me. It freaks me out to the point that I start twitch uncontrolably if I can't wash it off right away.
12) I'm a huge romantic. I daydream a lot about being swept away. My biggest fear is that never happening. I have abandonment issues =/
13) I get bored while studying. So I refuse to read any text book unless there is at least a picture on ever 5th page. So Elise got me a lil picture of Andy Warhol with one of his quotes for my birthday: "I don't read, I just look at the pictures."
14) I like foxes more than penguins, but they aren't very popular in culture right now. So my penguin collection is much bigger than my fox one. Sad face.
15) Sometimes I wonder if I should transfer to Thiel. No worrying about housing. No (lack of) social life to deal with. And they have an education program for undergrads. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tempting.
16) I used to have a web comic. I look back at it now and throw up in my mouth a bit. I blame the fact that I used MSPaint on a 800x600 screen...
17) I also started a book a long time ago, but didn't have to confidence to try to get it published. So part of it is sitting in my closet, part of it in my desk, and the rest in my brain. The amount of books published a year, let along of all time, is mind blowing. I can't deal with that pressure.
18) I get physically ill when I get stressed out. I'm stressed out a lot, lol
19) My dad says that I'm the most paranoid person he's ever met. He also calls me the Encyclopedia of Worthless Knowledge.
20) I LOOOOOOOVE History Channel and Discovery Channel. If I could have just those 2 I'd be a happy camper. I used to like Cartoon Network and Nick. Is it just me or has the quality of today's cartoons gone down? What happened to PPG and Fairly Oddparents and all the anime?
21) If I was half as attractive as everyone else, I'd probably try to be a prostitue. Haha.
22) I love mythology. It's the one thing I'm actually confident about. It's fun studying all religion. Except when people that follow it are around. Because then they blindly try to defend it. "Isn't it interesting that the Christian tradition is basically the same as the Jewish and Muslim, but yet they're always fighting?" 'No it's not.' "But... y-yes it is... Just read it!" 'Nope, completely different.' "But then... isn't it interesting that in the same book they tell the same story completely? Just in Genesis alone they have 2 different orders given for the creation of the world! Poor editing job, or what?" 'IT'S ALL TRUE!!!' Hate those people... Take religion with a grain of salt, that's what I say. Just be a good person, the end.
23) My biggest secret: I'm afraid to get my depression diagnosed/treated because then I'll actually start to care about if I live or die. Then I won't be so willing to work at schools that are at risk for violence, school shootings, etc. I want to make a difference in someone's life, but am too much of a coward to do it while it seems like a sacrifice.
24) I was on tv last summer. It was rather lame... The Y-town news station has a section called "Common Cents" which is about money saving tips. And they were looking for ideas on creative packed lunches. And mine was selected. I took a cookie cutter and cut a sammitch in that shape. I also broke it all down to the exact amount each part of the lunch cost. A $5 meal is HUGE. My family all taped it and called each other and their friends about it... I was hearing about it still when I started school back up.
25) If I could have one super power, it would be the ability to punch people in the face with no fear of consicences. That means no laws broken, no psychological evaluation, AND the person wouldn't try to hit me back. Better yet- if it makes them realize that they deserved that. Fuck flying and mind reading, I want to knock some teeth out.
Much love to those that made it all thr way through. Like getting teeth pulled, huh? lol