Something else I've realised recently, possibly in relation to the decision to be more mindful of my embodied feelings and needs, is that some (read: "a not insignificant amount") of the time I am in a bit (read: "a noticeable, though not necessarily significant amount") of pain. Mostly not enough to force me to attend to it if I weren't paying attention, else why haven't I realised it before (when it gets enough, I do things like stretch or get a hot water bottle or sometimes, though not often, take painkillers); but frequently enough and to a sufficient degree that it makes me irritable, or distracted.
I'm not talking about anything that is of a level of severity comparable with many people I know who struggle with chronic conditions (and still achieve amazing things nonetheless) -- I am being consciously self-indulgent here, but also making an attempt to describe how I feel in an honest way, in the interests of understanding better what makes me work (or not work). On a scale of 0 to 10, or however they ask you to describe pain 'medically' (hah!), we're talking a 1 or a 2 at most, but it's almost constant, and therefore niggling. Memorable recent examples: two weeks ago, after Easter Marking Marathon, pain in right elbow (probably caused by endless scrolling and clicking in Grademark) for several days; last week, unexplained (though probably computer-use-related) pain in left wrist accompanied by numbness and tingling pain across an area of left forearm (and I haven't been diving since last month, else those symptoms might have been worryingly indicative of DCI); also random knee pain exacerbated by standing for long periods; this week, hip and sacro-iliac pain accompanied by tingling feeling in legs. (Next I'll be talking about my bowels...)
Stupid body! I think I should go back to ignoring it.