I haven't been on in ages because the extended essay has been kicking my butt, no matter how much I love Haruki Murakami and reading about the '95 sarin gas attack. And to add to that, my college apps are building a steady pile on my desk and I am freaking out about those as well. =/ So I'm sorry if I'm a terrible friend in subsequent months; I'm just about pulling my hair out in RL. But I can't wait to get caught up with everybody and their very very interesting lives! :D
In other news, happy 10th anniversary Arashi! And for me, my youtube has finally been unblocked, so I am free to rejoice in the many hilarious Arashi vids as celebration! But first, I have to finish catching up with the many hilarious Gackt interviews I've missed all year, which some lovely user has been surreptitiously uploading to youtube (if anyone wants a link,
it's here). Lots of ♥s to everyone, and I really hope everything's going great for you!