
Apr 15, 2005 19:38

Okay, so I keep getting this message that's like "this joural has been deleted and purged"...does ANYONE know what that means???

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Comments 4

shattered_kitty April 16 2005, 19:11:35 UTC
It means that the journal you're looking for has been deleted, has passed it's 30 day "reactivation" period (meaning the owner of the journal could reactivate the journal if they wanted) and the name is now up for takeage.


scooterpie717 April 17 2005, 21:11:20 UTC
i do not know you, but i found your journal through uoregon community, and when i clicked on the userinfo link it said the deleted and purged thing, and i looked and saw that it had directed me to a different journal, leisha_hailey. so i dont know if it is something you did when editing your journal settings or just an LJ fluke. just thought i'd comment, i don't mean to be nosy or anything, i just like to look at people's journals that go to U of O to see if i can figure out who they are :) plus i think you *might* know my friend CJ? anyway hope you get your problem figured out!


foxfire_hippie April 17 2005, 21:16:57 UTC
Hmm, that's a community I run and I DO know your friend CJ. I'm hoping it's an LJ fluke, I just wish I knew how to contact the maintenance people at LJ (seeing as how they won't let anyone new in =-\)


fett_fetterson April 21 2005, 16:25:14 UTC
I keep getting this "your journal has binged" and then it runs al bloaty and slow. What's going on there?


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