So, I need to vent somewhere because if I read one more thing about the Doctor and River and Amy, I will punch a fucking bitch.
Honestly, I don’t know how to feel about the episode yet, because it’s a two-parter and obvious everything that is making me all al;dkfja;dlfja;ldfj will be explained in the second part. Though I am convinced that Amy Pond is not pregnant. And of *course* they are going to find a way to save the Doctor and bring him back, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t cry like a pathetic crying baby when I watched him die.
It was a really sad moment for me because it was like seeing into the future and knowing exactly how awful it is going to be, watching Matt Smith’s Doctor die [either for real or to regenerate]. I am a mess and all out of sorts after just watching him fake die, how the fuck am I going to deal when he actually *does* die? D’: *super dislikes*
I mean, the Doctor even said it in the diner (where, btw, Matt Smith’s acting was fucking amazing. You really felt like he was tired and afraid but totally resigned), that he “had been running for his whole life. Now it’s time for me to stop.” So the Doctor was definitely staring down at his death, and he knew that was coming (which is obviously going to be linked in with the second episode) so how the hell can they write him back to life? Are they going to pull out the TARDIS and use the regenerative energy? But they burned his body, so I don’t understand how you can bring back the Doctor if he’s a pile of ashes? I DON’T UNDERSTAND. AND I DON’T LIKE IT. In the Confidential episode afterwards Stephen Moffat even says that it really was the Doctor and he really did die, so then how are they going to save them? I am really worried about this. They will because they have to, but omg HOW are they going to do it?!!
I totally understand River slapping the current!Doctor when they got back and saw that Future!Doctor had actually interfered with his own timestream. It makes things awful for the other characters because they know that Future!Doctor is going to die and yet they have to work with his younger self to try and save the world, yet again. And they can’t stop his death because it would create a paradox, like River said. Yet of course Amy tries to save the Doctor by shooting the astronaut thing (I don’t think the child is in the spacesuit when the Doctor dies, I think it must be someone else). I don’t fucking understand the internet and how they think that could possibly be out of character - Amy went to some pretty big extremes for Rory when she thought he had died in that Dream episode. All of the Doctor’s companions care about him a lot, and even River is trying to think of a way to save his life, so wtf is wrong with people, saying that they think her shooting a gun is out of character? It was right in front of her, of course she would pick it up and try to use it to save the Doctor - how the fuck was she supposed to know that she was shooting the child? From her scream of horror after she turned and shot, I think its pretty obvious that she was not expecting to shoot at a child, and would most definitely not have done it if she had even glanced at what she was shooting at first.
My big thing is how did she know how to shoot a gun at all? Isn’t there meant to be safety switches on these things, or is this one of those time weirdness things where guns in 1969 were easier to shoot or something? IDK, it’s not something that I find at all important.
I’m curious to know what River meant when she said “of course” after she tried to shoot the astronaut thing and couldn’t. I know we find out who she is this time around, but how does that tie in to her being a prisoner and having ‘killed a good man’?
I’m was so glad that we got to have River in this episode. I was all kinds of flaily and teary when she made the connection with the numbers on the envelopes and she was number 2. She only got beaten by the Doctor himself, so my shipper’s heart was all melty because THE DOCTOR TRUSTS RIVER SONG THE MOST ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ YES! And I know that it is from the Future!Doctor, so he has had more time to do stuff with her and he already knows exactly who she is, but it means that RIVER IS GOING TO BECOME THE DOCTOR’S ONE AND ONLY 8DDDD
Oh watch my shipper’s heart sing ♥ especially after River’s beautiful speech about the day that is worse than death for her - the day she meets the Doctor and knows all about him, but he doesn’t know anything about her. And she thinks that that might kill her, and I can’t help but think back to Silence in the Library and cry my eyes out think that River can’t know that she is actually going to die when she does meets the Doctor, but I can certainly appreciate the thought of seeing the person you love most and him not knowing a thing about you. I really liked that they addressed their differing time streams as well, because I didn’t quite understand it when they say they “meet in the wrong order” (I thought they meant that they are meeting out of sync to what they actually should be). But what they actually mean is that their timestreams run in the opposite directions and the more that the Doctor gets to know River, the less she knows about him. And vice versa. So one day in the Doctor’s future, he is going to meet a very young, impressionable River and know everything about her - “you can imagine what that does to a girl”. I liked that they said it without saying it, but its yet another confirmation of a Doctor’s companion being in love with him, even if it is River Song and she is more a friend that he has random adventures with. I really think they are going to end up lovers though, because River did say there were spoilers around how much of a screamer she is. XDDDDDDDD LMFAO OMG MY HEART ♥ I swear I nearly died when I heard that, I actually had to go back and listen to it again. And yes, SHE REALLY DOES IMPLY TO THE DOCTOR THAT THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX ONE DAY.
Oh god, and the Doctor’s reaction was so spastic and awesome. “Nothing, she’s just a friend” LMFAO NO ONE WAS ASKING ABOUT YOUR OBVIOUS AND IMPOSSIBLY UNDENIABLE UST, DOCTOR. XDDD OH RORY AND THE SHAKE OF HIS HEAD XDDD
OHOHOH AND AND AND River totally know how to operate the TARDIS better than the Doctor does. Omg so fucking funny watching her make little adjustments to his handywork so that it will actually work the way he wants it to. XD; and then the Doctor saying that the scanner doesn’t work when the TARDIS is cloaked and yet of course he knows that River will get it working XD; and the exchange of “Oh, I hate him” “NO YOU DON’T” ahahahahah adlkaj;dfkjasfljd!!!!!!!! And then knowing that she could make the TARDIS appear again because she is the only other person in the universe that knows how to fly the TARDIS as good/better than he does ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Now, Mark Sheppard and the Americans. Oh my fuck, my soul hurts so much to hear Mark in an American accent. No, really, it is actually painful to hear his gorgeous, liquid sex voice mutilated by the tones of the American accent. It does distress me so.
I do love though, that the Doctor was all ‘I just walked into the highest security room in the world, parked a blue box on the rug - do you really think you can just shoot me?’ and River comes out shouting that they are Americans, meaning of course that they might not be able to shoot him, but they will sure try. XD; Aww, bless Rory and being all timid and not wanting to get shot ♥ I do love him so. And lol the Doctor snapping at the President about not being able to read that the TARDIS is a Police Box LMFAO I LOVE IT! HAHAH I wonder how many people think it’s a subtle British dig to their over-the-pond neighbours? XD; I wouldn’t be surprised if it is! XD
HAHAA AND AND omf, the Doctor then saying that he was from Scotland Yard and that his “top operatives were ‘The Legs’ (Amy), ‘The Nose’ (Rory LMFAO OH RORY ♥) and ‘Mrs Robinson’ (River)” BUT I DON’T UNDERSTAND THE ROBINSON REFERENCE. Why does she say that she hates him?!??!
*just googled and WTF DOCTOR since when do you make pop cultural references? Hhaaha ♥*
Ok, I think I get it now. Someone is saying that Mrs. Robinson (the song) is about “the original cougar” and LMFAO that is such a dig at River for trying to get in the Doctor’s pants despite being older (in terms of knowing about him). Haha, that’s brilliant. Now I understand why River is all ‘I hate you’ and I LOVE IT EVEN MORE BECAUSE ♥ ♥ ♥ THE DOCTOR SAYS “no you don’t” IN THAT KNOWING VOICE BECAUSE OF COURSE SHE DOESN’T ♥ ♥ XDD
As if there could be more flirting and awesome between those two, when the Doctor actually found where the little girl was, he did the whole explanation about how they were at what was probably the only place in America where the junction was ‘Hamilton, Jefferson and Adam’ and River “had that face on again” which she insisted ‘was her normal face’ but the Doctor reckons is the “he’s hot when he’s clever face” LMFAO OMG FLIRTING IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. WE ALL KNOW ‘SHUT UP’ IS JUST A CODE WORD FOR SEX ILOVEYOU.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE SLASH IN THIS EPISODE? BECAUSE WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE SLASH IN THIS EPISODE. NO, SERIOUSLY. The Mark Sheppard/Canton first conversation with the Doctor was fucking AWESOME with the “love it” “thanks” and “I say we give him five minutes, see if he delivers … or I’ll shoot him myself” “thanks … not so thanks” LMFAO BEST. And the EYES OMG Mark Sheppard, I see you eyeing up Matt Smith’s perfect body there. Oh yes I do. That leering look on your face is not one just reserved for the curiousity of the case. Nope, it’s the same one you had when you were eyeing up Bobby Singer and wanting to lock lips with him ♥ HAHAHA~! And then, after the Doctor ‘makes his demands’ (ROFL FEZ LOVE ♥) and just saying that to get his maps. XD; Doctor was so disappoint, he thought he had another bedpartner pushover. Hahaa~~~ AND THEN AND THEN when the Doctor is about to run off into the TARDIS, he’s all “Canton, on no account are you to follow me, and close the door behind you” LMFAO and then he was all ‘ohmygod *shock* *spins in a helpless circle* AND IT WAS SO CUTE! And good ol’ Rory was there to take care of it (lol ‘because he’s the newest’) and then he just… puts his hand on Mark’s shoulder. TOTALLY MANLY-LIKE AND NOT AT ALL SLASHY, BUT MY SLASH GOGGLES CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES AND I TOTES KNOW THAT RORY IS ALL RETARDED WHEN IT COMES TO HUMAN TOUCH ANYWAY. IT COMES FROM YEARS AS A ROMAN PLASTIC SOLDIER A;LDKFJA;LDJFAS;LJDF ♥ OH YEA, THERE IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUCKING HAPPENING AFTER THIS ADVENTURE.
Also: Mark Sheppard’s character being able to sum up the TARDIS in a sentence and then asking “… how long have Scotland Yard had this?” LMFAO OH YOU ♥ that, I think, was my favourite line of his so far ♥ although at a very close second would be after he is “back with us” he says “like you’re wheels” as if it is nothing. ROFL BEST ♥ AND THE DOCTOR GETS ALL GRABBY HANDS LJFA;LDJFA;LJF!!!!!!!!!
(side note: I want to know which of the two Founding Father’s fancied the Doctor. LMFAO I LOVE THE GAY REFERENCES IN THIS SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥)
LOL best timey whimey quote ever: “time isn’t a straight line, it’s all bumpy wumpy. There are loads of boring stuff like Sunday and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons *extreme distain*” AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN - HE *BOP’D* RIVER ON THE NOSE AND AL;KFJA;LKJDF;LAKJFD;ALKJDFA;JFA MY OVARIES BROKE, THEY ARE SO FUCKING CUTE TOGETHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around, looking impressed. What’s the point of having you all?” LMFAO XDDD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DOCTOR ♥ he is so bloody egotistical and attention-seeking, I swear. XD; oh, and his HAIR ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Haha, and then the Doctor was all about taking Rory and Amy home so they could get on with making babies. LMFAO oh Doctor ♥ I do love you epic amounts. XD; of course then that means that everyone thinks that Amy actually is pregnant at the end of the episode which is SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING OMG. DID NO ONE ELSE SEE WHERE RIVER ALSO GOT STOMACH PAINS AFTER SEEING THE ALIENS? LIKE SRSLY? ARE YOU ALL FUCKING RETARDED?
I’m just going to call it right now: Amy is not pregnant. Neither is River, for that matter. I expect the sick feeling is just a side effect of the aliens erasing your memory. Amy is just confused because she and Rory have probably been trying to have a baby since the honeymoon - it has been two months at least, after all, so if she suddenly starts getting sick all over the place but can’t remember why (I.E. THE ALIEN PART WHICH IS THE FUCKING POINT OF WHY THERE IS ‘SOMETHING IMPORTANT’ TO TELL THE DOCTOR) then of course she is going to get confused and thing that it must mean that she is pregnant! And of fucking course Amy wouldn’t know she is pregnant at the start of the episode, why the fuck would she go off on an adventure to the middle of nowhere and then DRINK WINE at a picnic? Oh ffs, the masses, you frustrate me so much.