if I lived in California I would never set foot on the East Coast again. my family would have to come visit me. NEVER AGAIN. stay in L.A.! if only for me!
- this message brought to you by someone who lives in D.C.
hehe, oh yes, I always say the same thing about "us islanders" hehe. but also, one time my friend (from the east coast) was talking to me about climate and assumed that hawaii gets SUPER hot because we're tropical, and I was like "oh... no, we stay pretty temperate, the hottest it gets is like maybe mid-90s and that's SUPER rare, it's mostly high 80s/low 90s if it does get really hot" hahah and she was like "wtfffff" since they experience 100+ heatwaves sometimes. (on top of snow storms, of course)
It was 80 degrees there, and we had 80 inches of snow here! Guh. NYC means a wardrobe for each season and a lot more time in transit to get to the good stuff, that's for sure. But on a selfish note, move here so you can come over and make stuff with me!
we might be going out in feb. and will be going for sure in june! i think i'll have some time to hang out in june because my boyfriend's in his friend's wedding party and will have to do a lot of wedding stuff. i think we need to take a trip together to purl!
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- this message brought to you by someone who lives in D.C.
haha, good to know there's people on the mainland who feel the same!
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