February Challenge Update!
We're already a third of the way through this month and our
February challenge. We've already had some GREAT responses.
These stories contain a variety of different genres and range in rating from G to NC-17 - please read the summaries and warnings first so that you are comfortable with the content.
MorphinelovexxCharacters: Lincoln/Sucre
Warnings: PWP, smut, general Morphine writing.
Rating: NC-17
Title: Web
Description: These are the prices a man must pay for wanting. Your bruises throb and your teeth-marks burn as you run your fingers revrently over them, thinking back on the shattered remnants of what used to be your life and your simple needs.
Making BabiesAuthor:
niekteteGenre: Fluff, Humour
Characters/pairings: Veronica/Lincoln, Michael
Warnings: None
Rating: G (gasp!)
Summary: Birthday present #1 for chancito, who's turning one year older round about now. Prompt: A stuffed toy, Veronica explains about girls and boys to Michael. That's basically the idea.
What a ManAuthor:
niekteteGenre: Humour, PWP/Smut
Characters/pairings: Lincoln/Derek Sweeney
Warnings: Slash, Sexual situations
Rating: R
Prompt: Lincoln/Derek, Lincoln as a cross-dresser.
Haze Author:
etherealflaimRating: PG
Category: Gen, Drunk
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Michael, Lincoln
Summary: Michael tries to get revenge on Lincoln.
Author's Notes: Fic #1 for foxriver_fic February challenge:
Prompt: #14 - a vision of an angel
But we still need
That's a lot, but there are even more
pairs to choose from so check out the new additions, find a
prompt if you want and post your fics
here or here! We'll keep doing round-ups all month long.
The more you write, the closer we get to our goal of 40 and the more chances you get at the nifty prize!