Okay, so. With all the excitement that's been building over the last week or so, there seems to be an unreasonable amount of negativity coming along with it. And that just won't do! So here's what I propose:
♥an Avengers Kissing Meme♥
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Thor and Loki; post-movie; angst
The Allfather needs one week to consider how he shall punish his son. In his mourning he had given no thought to how Loki must pay for his crimes. So Thor leads Loki to the dungeons, where he will be guarded and watched and not allowed to speak until the king of Asgard passes his judgment.
Thor does not wish to do this. What he wants is for all of this to be swept away, for Loki to smile brightly and play a trick and fight with him and laugh and for none of it to mean anything more than You are my brotherThe cell where Loki is to be kept is free of light and sound-even were he not still muzzled, he would be unable to speak. This is not the place for his brother, Thor thinks, not when Loki has spent so much time alone and in darkness ( ... )
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