Troy as in the recent release film Troy? Oh god, I haven't seen it, but for months my Myth, Legend and History tutor has been swearing us off the damn thing. As you could probably tell, the first six weeks or so of this class were concentrated on Ancient Greece and Rome, and watching a film that destroys any of the lessons we learned for the sake of entertainment wasn't going to be of any "educational" help. The most constructive comment I heard in hindsight was "Damn, Brad Pitt was buff..".
I don't know what your teacher was thinking showing that as an educational tool, but I guess if it gets you interested, you may just go out and do further research that may then be constituted as educational. Ha, teachers are so stupid.
Troy isn't actually out yet, one of the boys in our year level has an illigal copy.... It was probably thye best movie we've seen in a class all year, but then again we just really watched crappy documentarys from ABC.
Comments 2
I don't know what your teacher was thinking showing that as an educational tool, but I guess if it gets you interested, you may just go out and do further research that may then be constituted as educational. Ha, teachers are so stupid.
It was probably thye best movie we've seen in a class all year, but then again we just really watched crappy documentarys from ABC.
And yes, Brad Pitt was extremly buff.
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