Five Foods I Like:
1. Tofu
2. Sweet red azuki beans
3. Snow cones
4. Strawberries and cream
5. Ice cream and sorbet
6. Chocolate (adding a sixth one because I cannot resist~)
Five Things I Want to Do in the City:
1. Watch a play with
Mitsuhide2. Sell my old kimono and donate the money to the orphanage
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Top Five Colours:
1. Dark blue
2. Light blue
3. Violet
4. White
5. Red
....huh? Wierd curse.
Good morning, anata~!
Five Favorite Breakfast Musts:
1. Omellette
2. Bread and butter
3. Miso soup
4. Orange juice or tea
5. Mitsuhide with me at the table~! ♥
[Another giggle, and a nuzzling kiss.]
Three Favourite Animals
1. Birds
2. Wolves
3. Cats
-in bedroom?
[He looks rather exasperated. Can't stop with lists!]
Five Favorite Things I Do With My Beloved Mitsuhide:
1. Talk for hours and hours! ♥
2. Spend time together! ♥
3. Cook and eat! ♥
4. Make love~! ♥
5. Everything~! ♥
Those are things I want to try to use in pleasing you, anata~! ♥
[She cups his face, giving him a playful kiss.]
Mmm~! ♥
Reasons I Want To Do More Research
1. There's a lot I don't know still
2. I need to know more about the Sharingan
3. I want to be able to help Kakashi
4. There's always something new to learn!
5. Just in case something happens
6. If I'd known more, maybe I could have saved--
Places To Conduct Such Research:
The library (very extensive here in the City)
The hospital (there are a few texts there)
The bookstores (much selections to choose from)
Other medical folk (there are so many things to learn from the others in the field of medicine as well!)
Reasons This Curse Really Isn't So Bad
1. Lists can help you keep your thoughts in order
2. Making a list can be fun (and helpful)
3. It's not really a mind-altering thing, so we're still acting like ourselves...just listing things.
4. At least no one's really getting hurt.
Ah, thank you, I'll have to check out those places then! The library and bookstores first, I think, because it's something we only have in our world, so I doubt the hospital or the other medical workers here would have much information on it.
List of previous curses:
- The curse I seemed to know martial arts
- The advent of the "amusement park" (though I don't know if that's a curse)
- That day that affected people into being corrupt policemen (thank God my husband and I were unaffected!)
- That day that I was a . . . djinn?
- That day where there were monsters on the streets
Thankfully, the ones of late have not been too harsh. though I would not want to experience the days of corrupt politics and monsters again.
Yes, you should. The City has information on almost everything, it seems!
How I Can Tell It's A Curse Today
-Everyone's making lists
-People are revealing things that they don't want to in them
-I can't seem to stop making them
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