About every 2 months me and my dad always get into a fight. It’s the exact same fight every single time too, the same exact thing is said every time. He never ever listens to my side of the story so this morning I wrote him a long letter:
Dear Dad,
I am writing you this letter because I want you to hear my side of the story and when we talk face to face you don’t listen to me. First of all I want you to know that I understand what you said to me and why you feel the way you do. I want to break down each subject one at a time so I will start with work. I know I don’t have the best job in the world and I know that I won’t be working here for the rest of my life but as far as “right now” I think it’s an okay job. I was very excited when I found out Mayflower was making me full time and that I will now be getting a salary instead of being paid hourly which is great to me. And I am very content with the amount I will be paid every 2 weeks. During the summer I even wanted to get another little summer job to earn more income so I can pay more towards my credit cards.
As for school, I will not lie to you I hate school and I’m sorry to have wasted your money by getting bad grades in the past and I know I got a letter in the mail but I am going to my classes now and I know for sure in one class I am getting a D but as for the others I am doing fairly well. But I want to take the summer off and just work so I can get control over my debut. I just want to work as much as possible and use all the money towards paying off the bills. I know you never see me studying and doing homework and the reasoning for that is because of the classes I am taking. My counseling class always has work during the class, my computer class everything is done and the internet and my religion class we never have homework, the only thing we get is a report which I have done, I can show you my last grade if you don’t believe me.
As for hanging out with the family, you guys come home around 6, make yourselves something to eat, watch TV for like 2 hours then go to your room and go to bed. I don’t like watching TV. If you guys wanted to go see a movie or go out to dinner or something like that then of course I would do that. I understand that coming home every night and midnight is wrong and I’m sorry but I don’t feel guilty because I don’t do anything. I can understand if I was going out to clubs or going to parties but I’m not, i'm hanging out at a house with my friends. For example: yesterday we were playing basketball and when it got cold we went inside and played cards. We never go out anywhere and I hang out with the exact same people like Phil, Monique, Janae, Maritess and Amanda I don’t go off and hang out with random people.
To be completely honest I don’t like being home very much because I can’t stand the rude little comments Helen makes towards me and some of the things she gets mad for and since I am the youngest I always get attacked and you just sit there and let her do it. Rheana is never home, when Robert is home he has a bad attitude, Sara is rarely home so there is nothing for me to so that’s why i’m always hanging out with Phil because he is my best friend.
You know I have been hearing about all the drama that’s been going on with the family and it’s so upsetting and not just because of how Aunt Nena is treating everyone but more of the fact that they are making grandma suffer and it’s not fair. After Nino Rey passed away I honestly thought the family would get closer but if anything it’s tearing everyone apart. I feel you have become cold and distant the only way I can describe it is that you turned into a block of cement. I feel like no matter what I do I can’t get through and i’m so scared because I took Nino passing as a sign and no one listened to it and things are getting worse and I am so scared that another tragedy will strike and just completely ruin everything. I know you’re my father and your always gonna love me no matter what but I feel sometimes you just gave up, like the only person you care about is Helen. I know that the rules in the house is different and that Rheana and Robert are not your kids and I’m not gonna throw that in your face but Rheana doesn’t have to call and ask you permission when she wants to sleep over at Jeremy’s or when she wants to go out why should I have to call Helen and ask her permission? She is not my parent you are and I know half of the things you yell at me for is because she’s complaining to you and you get annoyed and you don’t want to fight with her so you just attack me with everything. I’m so used to it now so I’m not going to complain about it. Dad I just want you to know how I feel because I am hurting inside. I’m sorry for all the mistakes I have made in the past and I wish you could believe in me and trust me again but at this point I know you never will. I am sorry for making you unhappy and making you feel like I don’t care about anyone but myself. I hope one day you will let me in then you’ll see I really do have a big heart.
After I read him the letter on the phone we talked about it and normally nothing ever gets resolved it just goes back to the way it was and in a couple of months we go through the same fight again in a couple of months but this time when we talked about the letter I completely understand what he wants and what he means and I have nothing to argue with him about. So much crap has like got stuck in my head recently and I think my relationships with certain people will be different in a good way and I’m kinda excited to see how everything is going to end up. I must give so much thanks to Phil, Janae, Monique, Maritess and my aunt and uncle.