[SCENE] Ron, Maggey, and Plum at the Gynecological Office

Mar 31, 2008 12:43

Ron: *Ron sits in the waiting room of the gynecologist's office, waiting for Desiree to finish her appointment. The chairs are uncomfortable and as there is nobody else there, soft rock playing from the speakers above fill the silence. Desiree has left her purse with him, and it sits in his lap while he leafs through an outdated and beaten-up issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine (Thanksgiving themed).*

Plum: *Plums steps into the waiting room after having signed in for her own examination, looking around before deciding that of all the women present, the girl with the buns on her head looks the friendliest. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face, she sits on the side of the girl closer to the door*

Maggey: *After talking to the receptionist for a few minutes (she was always so friendly!), Maggey takes a few steps away from the counter to glance around the room. Spotting an empty seat, she quickly sits next to Ron, smiling and looking over at him. She gestures to the purse in his lap.* That's a beautiful purse!

Ron: *takes his attention away from the cornbread stuffing recipe when Maggey speaks to him* Hm? ...Oh! Thank you. *smiles pleasantly at the young woman* It's a... *cocks his head, trying to remember* ...Daphne large satchel, from Coach. It took me a while to find just the right colour...

Plum: *looks over as Maggey and Ron are discussing the purse, and notices that it is very nice* My! If you don't mind me saying so, that is impressive! You have very nice taste.

Maggey: It's the perfect color too! *Smiles a little wider as she leans forward in her seat to spot Plum across from Ron.* Though...It does look really spendy...

Ron: *looks back at Plum, then at Maggey, with a bittersweet smile as he recalls how much the bag cost him and how hard it was to find* Eheh, well... it did cost quite a bit. But there's nothing wrong with splurging once in a while, is there? *small shrug* I mean... you only live once, yes?

Plum: *scowls, her eyes hardening* It's fine to treat yourself, but honey, you're so thin, look at you. *pats Ron's cheek, pinching it between her thumb and forefinger* Not a scrap of meat on you. You know you have to take care of yourself first. That's why we're all here, after all.

Maggey: *Laughs softly.* She is right, you know. You look like you could use a few good helpings of Maggey's famous meatloaf!

Ron: *blinks; not sure how to react to the pinching and the concerns* I-I'm pretty well fed, actually, so there's no reason to be worried about me. At my last checkup, my doctor told me I was in good health. *quiet* ...I guess you never know though. Like that time I thought I had-- er, well, it felt odd, but I got it checked out and it turned out to be benign... *trails off*

Plum: *blinks at Ron before shaking her head* Oh, honey, that's terrible. I know what it can be like to have a scare like that. *blows her hair out of her face* Couple of years ago I had one myself. I've been coming in bi-annually ever since.

Maggey: *Her smile fades as she crosses her arms.* Really? Wow...I guess I'm really lucky then. All of my tests have been coming back good for me so far. *Looks to Plum.* And everything has been good since then..?

Plum: *grins wide, leaning forward to talk to Maggey across Ron* Oh, sure. Everything's been daisies since then. The important part is being careful, and taking care of yourself. It ends up helping everyone in your life.

Maggey: *Leans forward as well.* Did the doctor tell you anything to do differently or to look out for? You can never be too careful...

Ron: *leans back a little and looks back and forth at the two women as the talk to each other over his personal space*

Plum: WAH HA HA HA! Nah, Honey, I do right by myself anyway. Apparently I'm just predisposed towards it, so I haven't had to make any particular changes to my routine. *here she laughs again, making it fairly clear what she means*

Maggey: *Even though Plum tries to make it obvious, it goes over Maggey's head. She nods in response.* Oh, that's good. I hate making changes to my routines.

Ron: *not knowing what they mean and genuinely curious* ...Routine? What routine?

Plum: WAH HA HA HA HA! I'm talking about sex! You really haven't been tending to your needs, have you?

Maggey: *Sits back with her eyes widened, a small blush forming on her cheeks.* You were talking about-oh...Oh!

Ron: *a bit surprised* Oh. *getting defensive* H-hey! My needs have been getting tended to!

Plum: WAH HA HA HA HA! *pats Ron's knee* Well, I'm not going to argue with you! It means a lot when you have somebody who can help you out that way. *sighs wistfully, staring off into the distance* Can't imagine where I'd be without my Winnie.

Maggey: *Still blushing, but she leans forward again, not feeling quite so shocked anymore.* Is Winnie your husband, ma'am?

Ron: *leans back again stiffly and uncomfortably, watching out for any sudden movements from the two, especially from the jolly asian woman*

Plum: Yes, he is. Big Wins Kitaki - fifty years old, now. *looks at Ron and Maggey slyly out of the corner of her eye* But I've always liked him that way. The experience is worth any trade-off of being with an older man.

Maggey: *Speaks a little enthusiastically.* An older man? You really think the experience is worth it?

Ron: ..... *looks at Plum, interested in what she has to say*

Plum: Sure! Passion and nature only account for so much. It's when a man knows you... WAH HA HA HA HA! *her face goes suddenly serious* I don't mean to downplay nature and passion, though. They don't call him "Big Wins" for nothing.

Maggey: *Still confused.* ..."Big Wins"..?

Ron: *clicking in his mind that this conversation is heading in a very awkward direction*... Y...you... um. Y-you don't mean....

Plum: *looking at both of them, expression absolutely serious* He's a big man, sweetie, and he knows how to win.

Maggey: Oh..."Big Wins"...I get it now...

Ron: *stares at Plum for a moment before realizing his mouth is open and shuts it. He quickly looks down at the magazine and tries to focus on an article, any article, flipping through the pages and hoping the exchange will die down.*

Plum: *notices that Maggey's not as excited as she seemed before, but tries to connect the dots in her head and smiles warmly* You have a big older man in your life too, don't you, honey?

Maggey: A big older man in my- No! No...Well, yes. I think. Maybe... *Looks away, thinking hard.*

Ron: *finds a nice article on how to make a table setting with seasonal gourds and acorns and tries to keep his mind on that*

Plum: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that. I know it can be confusing when you're young, not sure of whether or not you're in love. *places her hand against her cheek and sighs* I remember what it was like when I first began seeing my husband. He was such an intimidating man. So authoritative.

Maggey: *Returns her gaze to Plum and nods, wanting her to continue. Maybe she can learn a thing or two from this woman..?* Could you tell me about it, ma'am? What was it like?

Ron: *smiles at Plum, relieved that the subject matter is not what it seemed* Yes! Please tell us, if you don't mind.

Plum: All right, then. *still blowing that hair out of her face as it periodically falls back* I remember...this was a little while ago. I was a bit younger than the two of you, I imagine. Winfred was already the head of his own family; he had a sense of authority and experience about him, as if he'd already seen the whole world.
Plum: I remember meeting him for the first time, and...it seems silly, but I was scared of him. He's always been a very big man. *opens her eyes as she remembers something* Actually, let me show you. *picks her purse up off the floor and rummages through it* He was younger, then, but he hasn't changed much... *pulls out a photo of Winfred's face and holds it out for both to see*

Plum: *the picture is what can best be described as a mugshot, though in a more formal setting; Big Wins' expression is the same neutral expression he typically wears, massive eyebrows set low, obscuring his eyes completely, mouth set in a hard line*

Maggey: *Looks to the picture and tilts her head.* Wow, he looks so...handsome!

Ron: *tilting his head as well, searching for something to say* He... um. He looks like he'd be a... very good provider!

Plum: Well, he is that, but I knew that going in. *slips the photo back into her purse, which she puts on the ground* I was still frightened by him, though. It wasn't until he spoke to me, and I saw his eyes, and his voice was so gentle... *sighs again* It was taking the biggest man I had ever seen and making him into something human. Something you could love, given time.

Maggey: *Sighs softly, her hands now folded in her lap.* That sounds so wonderful and romantic...

Ron: *nods* Yes! *stressing the next word* Romantic!

Plum: Looking back, it was, but I wasn't so sure at the time. It all ties back in... you have to be ready and willing to take care of yourself, but it helps to have someone else to take care of you, too. And who you want to take care of, I suppose.

Maggey: *Grins wide at Plum.* Wow, that really puts things in perspective.

Ron: *smiles brightly* I agree!

Plum: *nods, and then looks at Maggey* How about you? Tell us about this man you're not sure about. He decent enough?

Maggey: *Blushes again as she continues to smile.* Well...He's more than decent enough. I've known him for awhile now and he's always looked out for me. He used to be my mentor when I was on the force and he was my superior.

Ron: Oh... he's a police officer?

Maggey: He's a detective. The absolute best there is! He's helped solve so many cases!

Plum: *cocks an eyebrow when it's said that the girl is dating a cop, and briefly wonders if she would know the man's name, but smiles broad immediately thereafter* How sweet! How did the two of you meet?

Maggey: *Pauses for a moment, not quite sure she remembers exactly when she met Gumshoe. She finally grins and gives the two 'women' in front of her a small salute.* We met on the job right after I first got my badge, I think.

Ron: *smiles* That's rather romantic!

Plum: *nods, checking off in her head that this girl is a police officer too* So he was a mentor to you?

Maggey: *Returns the nod.* That's right! He always was looking out for me!

Ron: *genuinely touched* How sweet...

Plum: *leans back in her seat and grins* That's good, I guess. Why isn't he here with you?

Maggey: W-what? Why would I invite him here with me?

Ron: Um... S-so he could support you?

Maggey: Support me?

Ron: Yes! You know, hold your hand in the waiting room, watch over your things during your check-up... that sort of thing.

Plum: *winks at Maggey* Don't worry about it, Honey. Lots of men get squeamish in places like this. My Winnie doesn't, but I don't think anything could phase that man.

Maggey: Oh... *Glances down, suddenly wondering why Gumshoe wasn't here with her.*

Ron: *laughs a bit* Oh, it's not so bad here, is it?

Plum: WAH HA HA HA! Maybe not for you or me, but... *looks over at Maggey, then leans forward to get a better look at her face* Oh, honey, don't worry about it. He's probably just uncomfortable. Is he a shy kind of man when it comes to talking about love?

Maggey: Is he shy? *Tilts her head as she ponders.* I'm not sure...

Plum: Well, does he blush when he compliments you?

Maggey: Blush? Um...Yes. I think so.

Plum: And can you imagine him being involved in this conversation?

Maggey: In what conversation? A conversation about him?

Plum: No, honey. A conversation about the gynecologist's office, and how women are supposed to take care of themselves.

Ron: *blinks*

Maggey: I'm not sure. I've never seen him have a conversation like that before...

Plum: Well, I imagine he'd be very uncomfortable about it anyway. *leans her cheek on her hand and blows her hair out of her face* I can't imagine any man hearing the argument about metal and plastic tools used for pap smears and managing to stay in his seat.

Ron: *looks at Plum blankly* Um... n-no. I can't imagine either... a-at least, I th-think.

Maggey: *Smiles a little knowing that it isn't just Gumshoe.* That's true. I suppose it makes a lot of women uncomfortable too.

Plum: *doesn't move her hand, but grins and looks at Ron out of the corner of her eye* Well, I don't know why. It's something every women goes through, as uncomfortable as it can be. My last one was about six months ago.

Maggey: *Grins wider.* That's about the time that I had my last one too.

Ron: *deciding to stay out of this one, he quickly looks down and studies a cornbread stuffing recipe in the magazine.*

Plum: Never have liked those things. Feeling something cold down there is bizarre.

Maggey: *Nods, glancing away.* It really is...

Ron: *With the two women leaning in so close, it's difficult to ignore them.*

Plum: *grins wider* It's not so bad, though. I'm going to take a guess here, but I take it neither of you have had children?

Maggey: *Shakes her head.* No.

Ron: *eyes glancing towards Plum* N-no.

Plum: Oh, Honey, you have no idea. It was six weeks before I could be active again - it felt like I had a hole in me the size of a basketball.

Maggey: *Cringes slightly.* That doesn't sound good at all. Six weeks?

Ron: *slightly horrified* A... a... basketball?! ...Six weeks?!

Plum: Six weeks. I was actually lucky - before I got pregnant the doctors told me I wouldn't be able to have a child, but there wasn't even any tearing during the birth.

Maggey: Tearing? Oh dear! I'm glad you didn't have to go through that. I've heard a few horror stories from my doctor about tearing. They always make me shiver.

Ron: *this information is new to him* Wait. Wait wait wait wait. ....It can tear?

Maggey: *Pauses and blinks.* Oh, well, of course. Hasn't your doctor talked to you about that?

Ron: N-no!

Plum: Really? That's one of the most important things you can know, Honey! It's barely safe to make love without being mindful of that. If a girl's not ready, almost anything can cause a tear.

Maggey: Yeah, you really have to be careful. You should bring it up the next chance you get with your doctor.

Ron: *shocked, fully paying attention to the women again* It.... It can DO that during...??

Plum: *cocks an eyebrow, unsure about whether or not she believes this* Yes, it can. If you're not very careful, it tends to happen very often the first time.

Maggey: *Looks to Ron.* Have you ever...done that before?

Ron: N-not that I'm aware of... *anxiously looks over towards the door Desirée disappeared into*

Plum: You mean you don't know? This is the kind of thing you have to talk to your doctor about! This isn't your first time, is it? Not as old as you are?

Ron: *blushes and stammers to Plum* Definitely not! But she never told-- I mean, she never even talks about-- I never asked about-- *goes quiet* ...S-so many things I don't know...!

Plum: Well you need to ask, if your doctor's not telling you. Do you have any idea what kind of infection you could get from that?

Ron: Infections? ...Me? ...No?

Plum: *narrows her eyes in something like unfocused venom* Then your doctor has been doing you a disservice. There's no end to the problems that could come from that - bleeding, fever in the infected area, pain that would be hard to describe for anyone who hasn't experienced it. Terrible, terrible things.

Ron: *gripping the magazine, eyes widened* Terrible pain and... bleeding?! *forces a smile and a chuckle* Oh, you're joking, yes? You're just trying to scare me! ...Aren't you?

Maggey: Joking? This isn't a joke at all. It's a very serious issue. I just can't believe you haven't heard about it...

Ron: I... I well...

Plum: *gives Ron a level look, without any humor* No. It's not a joke. Honey, you have to ask your doctor; if you don't know, you might have that kind of problem starting up right now.

Maggey: *Frowns, leaning back a little as she reaches out to pat Ron on the back.* I'm sure you're fine, but it really would be good to get that checked out as soon as possible. Just in case.

Ron: *looking straight ahead, staring at nothing in particular as he thinks about the snuggling he and Desirée did* O-oh no. Last week. So many times...

Plum: *doesn't say anything, figuring Ron's about to hit that conclusion without any help*

Maggey: *Isn't quite sure what to say, she continues to pat Ron on the back.*

Ron: *slowly stands up without a word, the colour drained from his face*

Plum: *watches Ron stand, momentarily confused - she hasn't heard anyone's name being called for the past bit*

Maggey: *Bites down on her lip before speaking.* Are you okay?

Ron: *holding Desirée's purse, he quietly speaks without looking at either of them* Ma'am... miss. If a woman comes out out of the doctor's room looking for me... Please tell her... *snaps* ...I'M IN THE BAAAATHROOOOOOOM!! *starts running and hurriedly storms out the door*

Plum: *watches him run, dumbstruck, and then looks at Maggey, the confusion plain on her face*

Maggey: Oh no. *Looks to Plum.* Do you think we should go after her? We can't just let her cry in there by herself...

Plum: *blows her hair out of her face* She said she had a friend who would be out soon. It would probably be best to wait for her.

Maggey: Oh...You are probably right. I mean, we didn't even catch her name.

Plum: Yeah, an-*looks up as her name is called* I'm sorry, Miss, will you excuse me?

Maggey: Of course. It was nice to meet you, Miss...Oh...Um.

Plum: I'm sorry. My name is Plum - Little Plum Kitaki.

Maggey: Little Plum? *Obviously doesn't understand her last name.* That's a beautiful name!

Plum: Thank you, sweetie. Before I go, what's your name?

Maggey: *Salutes Plum.* Maggey Byrde, ma'am! It's been a pleasure talking to you.

Plum: *grins wide* All right, Maggey. Thank you for the conversation - and have a good day. *bows slightly before turning and walking through the door through which she was called*

Maggey: *Watches after Plum for a moment before sitting back in her seat and grabbing a magazine off the table. Flipping through it, she waits for her own name to be called, glancing up occasionally in the direction of the bathroom where Ron headed.*
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