...tired if trying...
...sick of crying...
...yah im smiling...
...but inside im dying...
(brought 2 u by originalicons.com)
The Truth Beneath
Go 2 sleep
and all is gr8
wake up 2morrow
and ull be in hell
All was well
All was calm
With smiling and laughter
and more beyond
Grades were w/ez
Friendz were here and there
Wake up 2 a big disaster
and ull know all is not fair
But what is real....
and...what is fake
ask ur friendz
and ull get the answer u seek 2 take
u think u them but u dont
2 walk in onez shoez is to know
to kill a mocking bird
makez u think
he speakz of wordz
but wat do they really mean
a word is not a word
but a group of letterz
a letter is not a letter
but many lines
linez are the story
that tell u apart
apart from other ppl
but close 2 ur heart
so many wordz
across this page
go in one ear
and out of place
wat im saying
is wat i feel
but u look and read
and ull never know the truth beneath
Uhg i have sooo many thingz 2 do in these last couple weekz!!! help!!