I'm not one for playing high-pole; Like the house of ditty 90210 type of hoe

Aug 22, 2005 16:25

|*Bathroom Stuff*|
Do you like to shower, or take a bath?: both
Do you use shower/bath gel or just regular soap?: Both
Do you shave?: Yes
How long does it take you to shower?: depends
Conditioner? Or just Shampoo?: Both

|*Sex/Bedroom Stuff*|
Have you ever had sex?: nah
If yes, what was it like:
Did your first time hurt?:
Do you find yourself being sexually frustrated more than once a week?: not really
Do you have fantasies often?:
Someone famous you'd want to have sex with/make out with?: hahah
Ever dream of your wedding? honeymoon?: eh
What would be the ultimate fantasy place to have sex?: Idk
Have you ever been caught having sex?: nah

Handcuffs?: yes
Shower Scenes?: yes
Torture?: no
Syrup?: no
Tortilla chips?: no
Whip?: no
Biting?: haahha
Costumes?: wtf hah
Anal?: no

|*Random-ish ness*|
Do your friends find you weird sometimes?: all the time
Do your friends think you have odd taste in the opposite/same sex?: Idk
If yes, name 3 people[famous or not] that you find attractive?: lol idk a lot of people are cute
Do you ever/have you ever laughed for no reason at all for a long time?: hhaha oh yes
Do you like the color purple?: its okay
Do you think you have any influence on others?: idk
Britney... is gone now?: what?
Would you ever hump a tree at night while hanging out with your friends. . just to make them laugh? Cus you're weird like that?: omg hahahhaha no

|*This or That*|
Golf or Football?: Football
Baseball or Hockey?: Baseball
Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads?: blondes nigga
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream or Cappucino?: I like em both
Hanson or Def Leppard?: def leppard
John Mayer or Michelle Branch?: idk
Star Trek The Next Generation or Star Trek Voyager?: neither
MacGyver or Murder She Wrote?:  idk
AOL or Death?: AOL

Person you felt most comfortable with/talking to?: Robyn or Erin
Person you'd have a sleepover with?: all my friends
Person you'd fight a rabid dog for?: all my friends
Favorite color?: blue and pink and I like green a lot now
Favorite singer?: idk
Favorite bands?: idk I have a lot
Favorite Tv Show?: CSI, Laguna Beach, Real World, The andy mildlcnsdjc show haha <3
Favorite Show as a kid?: Price is Right, Rugrats.. same as robyn
Favorite place?: with my friends
Favorite present you gave someone?: Idk
Favorite pet?: i love all my pets =)

Remember when...
You had pogs?: yes hahahaha
You had to have a boyfriend in 6th grade?: lol yea
You had an accident.. and you weren't 3 years old?:  actually I dont member if I did or not
You tripped infront of someone?: yes

Have you ever...
Laughed so hard food came out of your mouth/nose?: yea
Cried so hard you threw up?: nah
Eaten liver?: no
Had Buttermilk?: no
Kissed the same sex?: no
Mooned someone/a school bus/a county jail?: no
Farted loud and people heard?:hahahah
Burped louder than a guy?: yes
Done a stratel?sp?/ split?: ... idk
Been on a cheerleading team?: nah
Played spin the bottle?: when I was a lot younger
Ate Chicken Pot pie?: yes
Spent a holiday alone?: nah
Made the pouty kissy face in a picture?: yes
Played beer pong? And won?: no
Gone out while you were grounded? Get caught?: no cause I don't get grounded
Seen a therapist?: nah
Gone to a clinic/hospital?: yes
Had a serious illness/disease? or anyone in your family?: no, yes

So do you like anyone?: no not really
Do they live near you?: ..
Have you ever been in love before?:
Age ain't nothin but a number?: true
Do you believe in 'internet' relationships?: no
Do you believe in the pyschos the news always talk about.. being on the net, trying to kill people?: yes
Do you believe in 'waiting for what you want'?: yes
Do you believe in love at first site? Honestly?: no
Do you believe in "everything happens for a reason?: yes

[So, what makes you so special?]
1] What is your first and middle name? Megan .....
2]Why did your parents name you these names? My dad and sister liked it, and my middle name after my aunt and grandma
3] What exactly does your first name mean? idk parents just liked it
3] Where is your birthmark at? on my head hahah
4] Do you even know why you have one of these? No
5] What are your measurements? [i.e. #-#-#] Don't know
6] Describe your “style” when it comes to what you wear: prepish?
7] Do you eat something that everyone else thinks is gross? not that I know of but I'm sure there is something

[Getting an edumacation]
21] What school do you attend? mckeel
22] How many students go there with you?idk
23] What grade are you in? junior
24] What do you like about going to school? friends
26] What college/university are you going to afterward? not sure
27] Name a couple majors you are interested in: law and business
28] What degree are you aiming at earning? idk

[Living quarters]
29] Do you live at home with your parents? Yes
28] Is your room big? Average
29] What size is your bed? twin
30] What color are the walls? pink
31] Do you have any animals in there? no
32] Are you in your bedroom most of the time? no

[Your cup of tea]
33] What is your all time favorite movie? the notebook
34] Why so? soooo cute
35] Do you prefer Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien? idk
36] What are three things that you are obsessed with? chapstick and idk
37] What is your favorite CD at the moment? idk
38] What celebrity do you think is the cutest? Idk
39] What’s the last really good movie you have seen? Iskeleton key was really good
40] When’s the last time you cried during a movie? idk

1. Initials: MJJ

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: idk

3. Where was your first kiss? outside my neighborhood

4. For or against same sex marriages? for, if you love them then no one should stop them

5. Are you homophobic? no

6. Are you bisexual? no

7. Do you believe in God? yes

8. How many US states have you been to? um like.. 8? maybe lol

9. How many of the US states have you lived in? one

10. Have you ever lived outside the US? no

11. Name something you like physically about yourself: umm idk my eyes?

12. Name something non physical you like about yourself: I'm nice

13. Where do you want to go to college? i think pcc for my first 2 years then florida sourthern

14. What is your dream car? idk I like a lot

15. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? france

16. Have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone? of course

17. How many concerts have you gone to? none

18. Do you download music? yes

19. How many illegal things have you done? a lot

20. Where would you want to go on a first date? Idc

21. Describe your perfect date: as long as im with the person im really happy with I dont care

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? nah not really, kyle dedicated a song on the radio to me but other then that no

23. Ever been kissed under fireworks? yes <3

24. Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time? no

25. Do you like president Bush? sure

26. Have you ever bungee jumped? not yet

27. Have you ever white-water rafted? no

28. Have you ever crashed a car? not me but been in one

29. Has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you? hha a 21 one year old but that aint 10 years that 5

30. Have you met a real redneck? yes

31. Are you interested in anyone right now? nah not really

32. What song are you listening to right now? me and the moon

33. What is your current favorite song?dont have one

34. What was the last movie you watched? umm skeleton key?

35. Who was the last person you said you loved? my mom hhah

36. Where was the last place you went besides your house? school

37. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property? not seriously

38. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? yes

39. Have you ever sang in front of a large number of people? yes

40. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? style and personality

41. What really turns you on? a lot

42. What do you usually order from starbucks? only had it once, but it was a capp.

43. What is your biggest mistake? ...

45. Say something totally random about you: I want a boy to care about me

46. Do you have an i-pod? yes

47. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? hahahhahahah one day I went to get my nails done and they said I looked like Hilary Duff haah

48. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? yes

49. Do you have braces? no

50. Are you comfortable with your height? yes

52. Do you speak any other languages besides English? no

53. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? no

54. What magazines do you read? cosmopolitan

55. Do you think these surveys are stupid? nah I like em when im bored

56. Do you have a hidden talent? no

57. Have you gone farther than kissing? yes

58. Have you ever ridden in a limo? yess

59. Has anyone you were really close with past away? yea my grandmother and amandas daddy John

60. Do you watch mtv? yes

61. What's something that really annoys you? a lot of things

62. What's something you really like? spending time with my friends

63. Do you like Michael Jackson?

64. Can you dance? i guess

65. Have you ever surfed? no but I really want to

60. Do you know how to pump gas? yes hahahahaahahh memeber erin our first time

67. Do you drive? yea with my parents

68. What's the latest you have ever stayed up? Idk

69. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? yes

70. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? no

71. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? yea and I didnt do it

72. Did you do it? no

73. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?sometimes

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