Part II
The Finding of the Swords
In late March or early April of this year those within the city of Philadelphia were invited to a meeting at a bookstore. Though it was not known at the time, the bookstore was built over the physical link to the Chantry. It was during this meeting that events came to light. Videotape was given to us, the confessions of a mage of the Fallen, Christine Moirez. She spoke of her plans to put herself to our justice for her crimes, but sought our help in saving the lives of her daughters; Faith, Hope, and Charity. The girls were being sought by a powerful Marauder named Servin, who intended to use the last of their heart’s blood to open a path to the chantry.
Raine was given a gift, apparently by a spirit, the first gateway into a part of the Chantry of the Hidden Flames. Invoked by a triad of mages, each with a differing resonance balance, activated the gateway for those to enter. The gateway took them to speak with Elisabeth, whose spirit still guarded the chantry. Those who traveled into the gateway returned with tokens of their trip. They also returned with the child Faith, caught within time and reverse aged to be a child of eight years. Anders0n took the guardianship of her, to protect her from the forces hunting for her.
Everyone who did not go through the gateway at this time was a member of the Order of Hermes, except myself. The gate was examined for what happened, the forms that made it up studied. Eventually, all not of the order left, including myself. What follows is information gathered from tales told, time scrys, and putting together the puzzle.
As Raine was leaving, the crystal she carried to open the gateway was stolen by Blaise Fontaine bani Hermes and replaced with an identical shard with no magical properties. Using this shard, Doc Thownsend, Charles Edminton, and Blaise Fontaine traveled to the Chantry of the Hidden Flame, and spoke with the spirit there. Through their strength of ties to the order, they were lead by Elisabeth to swear an oath. The oath bound them in blood to protect the Library and the Hidden Flame. For this oath, each of them was granted possession of one of the swords of power.
I must stress that at this time, the nature of the swords was not known. Nor was the truth behind the oath. The Oath they swore lead back to Nicholas VanOrt, binding them in blood to him. This was also unknown to all but the Fallen, as the truth of the oaths were known to none but him. Those who took the oaths did so in the belief that they were swearing to their order, swearing to aid in a good cause. Perhaps this is what gave us a chance to fight, in the end.
While the events of the months between the time the swords were found and the week in June when the Chantry was reclaimed are many, for the sake of brevity I shall only lightly cover those which have bearing on our story.
Faith remained in the care of Anders0n, even as attempts were made to protect her from the danger she faced. Two of the swords remained in the hands of their bearers, drawing them towards the city. The sword of Judgment sought a new bearer, however. Perhaps this was because Blaise would not be drawn to Philly, I can not say.
Through whatever reasons cause it to change bearers, the blade came into the hands of Nicodemus Conrad. Perhaps it was the trap of the fallen, to ensnare a powerful Eutanatos. Perhaps it was, as Nicodemus believes, Fate herself stepping to provide a balance to the scales. The truth of the matter, we do not know, save this: Can anyone understand deep laid plans of fate?
It was in what he though was a seeking that the blade came, held within the hands of the ladies he served. Lhaksmi and Kali came to him, with words that his skills would be needed in the near future. By accepting the sword, the implied oath bound him all the tighter, since it was to his Goddess. But because it was not sworn in blood, the sword was forced to work its will upon him in other ways.
The Sword of Judgement
[The following story was spoke by Nicodemus Conrad. In his own words, how the sword was passed.]
It appeared in a Seeking. A Mindscape... a gift from Lhaksmi and Kali, who told me that my services were to be needed in the very near future. This is the story of it's appearance...
Chelsea and I had decided to go to Philadelphia. Word of the Chantry had come to us, along with hushed whispers that the Order had done something rather stupid. While I was packing, I fell into a Mindscape... a Seeking... a Dream quest... call it what you will. I was in what the more necromantic of our kind call the Tempest... a vast sea storm of tormented souls, denied the Good Death.
And amidst the pain and confusion and anguish, Kali appeared to me. As Lhaksmi joined her, She spoke to me. "We come to you... your time to step forward has come... you can feel it draw close to you... the time is at hand. We bring you... your destiny. Through pain... you learn truth. Through humility, you learn knowledge. Through vengeance, you learn redemption... Those lessons, you shall share with others... WE shall give you these tools.”
“You are not a tool to be used, you are the wielder. Many shall beg for your forgiveness. You will show them what true mercy is. There is need for you... where you will be travelling. Two others bear sigils which will guide the way for your will. You must find them, and find the secrets which lie beyond them. You are our favored... we give you this gift... use it... wisely."
And I found myself upon the edge of a cliff. An object hung in midair, over the drop, a hundred yards out of reach. I stepped off the cliff... knowing in my heart that the time would come for me to give of my life, but the place was not here, and the time was not yet. And I did not fall. When I touched the object, I discovered it to be a sword. And I awoke from this other place, next to my luggage, holding Judgement.
I believe I know why this occurred. But I am not sure if I should speak of it. And that is how I obtained the Sword of Judgement.
Word was passed to the awakened. Plans were made and people gathered in the city. For whatever reason called them; a trial, a party, fate. And the Chantry of the Hidden flame was poised for rebirth.
What can I say that has not already been stated about the events that occurred over those three days in June? Many were there, seeing the events for themselves and walking away with their own side of the tale. I will endeavor to address only those parts of the tale relevant to the larger story, and even then I shall be brief. And I admit my failings, that there are parts I do not know yet. Here is the story of those three days.
Philadelphia - June 10, 2004
A gathering was called that night by Nicodemus to speak over the events that were to come. As such things tend to do, it dissolved into Chaos. Digger was there, leading the Hollow Ones, throwing the words spoken a year before back into the faces of the traditions. Christine Moirez, the Fallen, was delivered to us for trial by a group of Union member. She was questioned by those assembled, as to what was occurring. She told us what she knew, begging us to save her children.
The seers looked. The child held by the Union was dead, her hearts blood in a vial. The second child Servin had already found and taken for his rites. We though the third was safe, though it was to be learned otherwise. Chelsea lead a group of Hollow Ones and Orphans to a hotel room, in order to scry out the hearts blood of the children and destroy it. They succeeded, destroying one of the components needed for the ritual.
Now we must come to something that is hard for me to speak of. While I was waiting for that group to finish, I heard the child Faith crying out, lost and alone. I went to find her, wandering in the streets, where she had been attacked by creatures under Servin’s control. She was taken back to the Hotel room, in the outer room of the suite to calm down. There, triggered by the cartoon show on the Television, her fear of Servin forced her Awakening.
The death of a child is a painful thing to speak upon, but the reasons behind this must become clear. The child Faith awoke Fallen, guaranteed such by the binding of her soul. The power that poured from her was strong and wrapped with the taint of the Fallen. She lashed out at me in her fear. Blackbird and David McCandles where with me, and moved to deal with what was occurring. Faith was injured, as I shoved her into a realm in the Umbra where I though she could be contained until judgment could be passed.
I had only meant to contain her, unknowing of how strong she awakened as. What occurred next was my fault, and my soul bears the mark of what happened to this day. Her avatar was ripped apart by force of the storms, leaving only a bleeding husk. Another mistake made in this tale. And I lay it before you all now.
Philadelphia - June 11, 2004
Digger threw a party at a club, a change for the mages to be humans and relax. Something that we all forget to be at times. So the awakened danced and drank, talking of things past and things yet to come. And planed for the new day.
Philadelphia - June 12, 2004
Once more in the bookstore belonging to Christine’s grandfather the mages gathered. If I were to list them all, it would bore you in the reading. Groups met and mingled, speaking on topics to numerous to recount here. I am sure most have heard of the outcome of this day, so I shall endeavor to keep this short.
The three who bore the swords gathered together to call open the way to find the keys hidden by Nicholas VanOrt. However, there was a price yet to be paid. It was know that a sacrifice had to be made to redeem the hidden chantry. Digger took that fate upon him, to become what was needed for the chantry to be reborn. It was then that another mistake was made. The believed that a sacrifice of the ending of a life was needed. Nicodemus slew Digger, with the full consent of the latter, opening the gateway to time and space. Because of this death, the tapestry of fate knotted, leaving holes within it.
What occurred with the three groups traveling to the realms should be left for each to recount someday. For the sake of our tale, I will relate just this: each group found what they sought and returned. While the groups were still on quest, the marauder Servin was slain, his plans coming to naught.
The key was completed from the shards and the Sword bearers walked a path through the tainted wards around the chantry. When the path was completed, the flame relit, the Chantry library was opened once more through a door from the bookstore. The realm was open to us all, untainted, whole. Digger was there, his spirit taken to be the new guardian of the library and keeper of its secretes.
Once the library was connection, most departed, some staying behind or traveling back simply to read the works presented. It was here another mistake was made. The library was, for the main part left unguarded save for its single defender. The Fallen saw that. And bid their time until the moment to strike.
The Dissolving of the Euthanatos
The reasons behind the dissolution of the Euthanatos were political and social ones, made after many debates among those who took it upon themselves to deal with such things. It would not have even crossed my thoughts to include that in this tale save for one fact. It was Nicodemus Conrad who broke the oaths, calling upon the power of his sword to do so.
The wheel turned one step closer to the end of days. The sword awoke, showing for the first time what it truly was. The taint of the fallen came from it, now that it had awoken for its final purpose, destruction. The swords had a final fate in mind for it’s bearers, and any action, for good or harm, that hasten the world unto it’s fate receive the blessing of the objects.
Laid before you is the web woven by the servants of the Fallen. Looking back now we can see the trap laid out before us all, though at the time it was hidden behind the mantel of what is right. To those who do not already know, this is how the most skilled of the fallen work, behind the beliefs that others have in what is good, what is right. It is easy to look back and cry out “how could they not know!” But to do such is to forget the basic fact that we are all human. We makes mistakes, we all fall to the trap of Hubris.
Do not forget the lessons given here. For the tests that we all face are not yet over.
Thus ends Part II.
Part III
The Attack on the Library - August 2004
It was on August 5, 2004 that apparently the library was attacked. Though this may have no bearing on this event at all, it is strange to note that just day’s prior the rip in the gauntlet over Florida was mended and a powerful spirit of those beyond was destroyed. Strange how these matters fall out.
A group had met in Philadelphia as they often meet. What was unusual for this meeting was the arrival of Digger, returned to the flesh. He spoke to those gathered at this meeting, claiming to have been ejected in body from the realm when the library came under attack from dark powers. It remains uncertain if what emerged from the library was truly Digger or not, as the further actions that evening cast doubt onto the situation. For we do know that the “Digger” we encountered this evening was likely in the service of the Fallen.
Digger had claimed to have grabbed one work as the library was expelling him from the realm, the book being a first edition copy of Dante’s Paradise. He gave the book to me, since I loved books and had spent time in the library reading. And unknowing, I started to read the book. What lied within the cover was a trap of the fallen, designed to draw you down the path of the spiral to wherever it lead. I recognized the trap for what it was and broke from it.
When I spoke to those around about what was in the book, they became quiet upset that I was unwilling to let them examine the book. While I admit this may seem selfish and perhaps it was, I was the only one there with knowledge of the Fallen and their ways. I feared what would happen if they were to read the books.
Digger appear to get upset at the screaming, and pulled out four more books, various tomes. The threw them at people, so that they could all have the books they wanted so bad. Each person there who was wanting to look at the books recovered their own copies, five books in all including mine. I tried to explain to them all why reading the books would be bad. However, I balked at using magic or force, something that I am now ashamed to admit in light of what happened.
Two mage, Alex and Vadin did not listen. The read the books before them and were consumed into the works. Their fate is unknown at this time, but I believe if they are ever seen again it will be as member of the Fallen. Two from the gathering went to investigate the library. What they found there was simply the burned store. The Realm itself was severed from it’s earthly connections, lost somewhere where it could not be found.
Over the new two months, a few others went to investigate the burned out building. Chief among them was Doc Thownsend. While we did not have time to speak in depth on what he learned, I do know that he had several object from that place. A doll that once belonged to Faith. A painting that spoke to him. What else, I do no know. Perhaps those at his Chantry can put light to that subject if asked.
Prophesies and Dreams
As most of those on this list know, earlier this month the same words of a vision came to several of the awakened. Each person whom the prophesy came to saw it through the eye of their own experience, though in all cases I collected, the words remained. And most visions were of darker things.
While prophesies and dreams are notorious vague, the one was clear enough that several parts of it were understood by some of the readers. Part of it related to the swords, other parts appear to relate to Nicholas VanOrt. For the sake of space, I shall not duplicate my files on this prophesy in this letter. What I will say is this; the emergence of the words had several among the awakened searching for what was to come next, looking for the clues hinted at in the words.
The Library Returned
We are now at the events of Thursday, September 9, 2004 in our tale. I must admit that I was spying on the events in Philadelphia through a proxy, so that I would not have to deal with some of those present. Several of the mages including myself where affected the waves of power coming from the sight of the ruined library. A group traveled there, and I followed in my minds eye.
Anders0n was playing around with the warding without checking what it was hiding. I looked to see past the ward, seeing what was hidden both in the physical realm and in the Umbra. The library had returned, but the realm was inverted, upside down and backwards. Over it all the Hermetic sigil glowed a sickly green light, shining with the taint upon the realm. The Chantry of the Hidden Flame had become a labyrinth of the Fallen, part of it a Caul.
I informed Eric Smythe though an intermediary, of what it was so that he would stop those present from charging straight ahead. He managed through his words to stop them from all blindly walking into there. If it had not been for his efforts, those at the scene would likely have been lost to the powers of the Fallen there.
The area was completely tainted except for one spot within the middle. The only spot witch remained untainted was in the middle of the labyrinth. Within that spot was a hovering box. The box had the words on it: hic iacet fons et origo, imperium ,obscurum per obscurius - nascentes morimur.; 'Here lies the source and the origin, ultimate power hidden by obscured means in which we learn that when we are born, we die.'
The box, I believe, was Pandora’s box, the box of hope. I had been searching for it for a week, after I learned of its existence in the prophecy. The words of the prophesy are unclear, but what comes from hope will die. Bending space and time, I looked to see what destiny held around it. What I saw from that bit of magic was that the box must not be opened.
I had started to ward the box so that evil could not touch it when Eric started to cast his time spell without warning. That triggered the defense of the realms, and it was all I could do to protect the four gathered there from the green tainted flames that attacked. Those gathered left through a portal provided by Anders0n, a portal that warped space from where he intended it to lead and deposited then in the Chantry at Colorado Springs.
With none left behind but my mental eyes to see, a figure came through the flames bearing the box. He opened it, and a butterfly flew out. I tried to prevent it from escaping, but I wasn't quick enough to be able to stop it, though I tried. The figure laughed at me then vanished.
Word of what had happened was passed the mages present, and plans were made to return in three days time.
Gathering the Assault Team
Word had gone out to many mages who would be able to help in this endeavor. Some choice to respond to the need, and gathered within the city of Philadelphia. Among those who came to offer their aid were Romaro, Dani Fox, Raine, Nicole Edminton, Nicodemus Conrad, Chelsea Conrad, Eric Smythe, the ghost of Spencer Arbuckle, Henry Jones, and myself.
As all good missions start, the group began to plan what we were to do. People were armed and armored against what was to come. The story of what occurred to bring us to this place was told for those that did not already know. During the telling, Nicodemus was attacked by some outside force that apparently did not wish him to hear what was told.
The group was divided into three teams. The group at Command consisted of Dani Fox and Nicole Edminton. Dani was to be unconscious, controlling a mental link that would allow the groups to remain in communication no matter what. Nicole was active both to guard Dani and to coordinate the teams with mundane means.
The earth side team consisted of Henry Jones, Raine, and Eric Smythe. Their task was to deal with any forces around the physical library gate. And to back up those going Umbral if necessary. The Umbral team consisted of Romaro, Nicodemus, Chelsea, Spencer, and myself. Our task was to travel to the tainted library itself and deal with what we found there.
Intelligence was gathered through the use of scrying by both Chelsea and myself. Not surprisingly, we both shared the same vision of the future before we arrived in Philly. The second vision was mine as I scryed the tainted realm. For the sake of clarity, I am not including them in this writing, though if you wish to know, you may ask. The second vision caused the feeling of Oblivion around me, according to Spencer, until it was broken.
As the teams prepared to go, Ivan Smith, associate of the Hermetic, and Ameria arrived late to the meeting. A terrible mistake was made then, for lack of information, and both were assigned to the ground team. This was the first great mistake of the evening, and the price was paid later on. The Umbral team went into that realm, and both groups traveled to the physical site of the library.
At the Burnt Bookstore
Without mishap the earth side team traveled to the bored up bookstore. There, they found it boarded up, an issue that was quickly remedied with the help of a crowbar. Inside the building, the way was guarded by what appeared to be four ordinary dogs. Raine was the first to enter, and thus the first to be attacked. She suffered green tainted wounds to her arm, as the tainted animal ripped into her. The dog was shot and killed by Henry Jones, who proceeded to target the rest of the animals until they fled. The group found the physical representation of the door to the library, closed and locked.
Things faired slightly better in the Umbral realms. While the area was populated by man twisted spirits, it was the magic of Chelsea Conrad that allowed us to pass them unseen. Dillon joined us at this time, having arrived late. However, like the group on earth, the way into the tainted realm was blocked by a door bearing the symbols of Truth, Judgment, and Redemption. Nicodemus, using the sword, was able to open the door into the realm. I shall let his words on this matter speak for him.
Opening the Doorway
[The words that follow are those of Nicodemus Conrad. At the time, none of those present knew what was required of him to open the doorway.]
When I attempted to open the door, I was given a choice: Become of the highest of the high, with power untold, the living incarnation of Death himself, the last and most powerful of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Or to be smited unto death, and cursed with evil even if I survived, without the power to speak of it. I could either Fall or be placed in mortal danger of my life, to trust my companions both to heal me and to stop me when the time was right.
That was *my* choice. That is how I faced Judgement.
I believe you know my choice.
Reflections in the Doorway
With the decision made, the door way opened, even as Nicodemus crumpled to the ground near death. Dillon used his skills and healed Nicodemus an amount, after which the powers Nicodemus has took over and healed him completely. The door was open, shimmering slightly, as if it was a pool of water before us. All but one of our numbers on both sides of the gate looked into it.
The gate reflected back scenes drawn from each person that gazed. Events and places that each of us had kept hidden, locked away so that our deeds would not be known. What it showed I will not speak of, for those who faced this realm deserve to have some privacy returned to them.
Ameria chose to enter an area where the Fallen taint held saw while carrying her unborn child. She chose to expose her child to risk. And she paid the price for this choice. The child became tainted by the powers of the Fallen; her womb began to reek of Oblivion.
It began to grow at an exponential rate, trying to push its way through her to be born into this world. A choice had to be made; there was no way at that time to save the life of the child but the life of Ameria could yet be saved. Spencer, using his abilities with the full knowledge of those within the mind link, destroyed the tainted creature before it could become fully formed.
This choice may seem callous to those who were not there. But we could not allow a creature of the Fallen new life. By placing herself on this mission and telling no one of her condition, we were not able to put the safe guards in place for this little one. To be frank, this is the second time in two months I have seen children die because their mothers choice to enter danger while expecting. So I lay this out as a warning to those who would chose to endanger their children: sometimes the price must be paid for the danger they are in. Mistakes. Another one that we faced that day.
Raine took Ameria back to the command center, unconscious and still suffering from the damage done unto her body. But she was stable, and there were no healers to spare at that time. Triage may be a harsh thing, but it is necessary at times.
Library Labyrinth
It is at this point that I must separate the tales of the two groups. Those earth side were either at the Command center, or guarding the door to the Library from a rear attack. The Umbra group had entered the open doorway, finding their way into the tainted realm itself.
From within, the library was not to unlike it was before the taint. IT was still massive, with books everywhere. Only this time, the titles had changed to items such as “Nephandism for Dummies", "Witchcraft 101", "How to be evil and not get caught" "Selling your soul to the highest bidder", "Dante’s: Inferno", and "How to destroy Hermeticism". After a minor interlude to look around we proceeded through the library to the center where the box should be located at.
As we traveled, the realm seemed to shift around us, on moment smaller, the next bigger. Figures seems to shift at the edge of our awareness, though no one was visible to any sense that we possessed. Once, for a single moment, we seemed to see Digger moving just out of sight, humming. The group held strong and did not let their path be strayed.
Unfortunately for the group in the umbra and later for the group on earth, Raine arrived back at the command center. Despite Dani warning everyone that she would have to be unconscious for the link to work, despite Chelsea taking care to make sure Dani would be conformable and safe before leaving, and despite being in the mental link with Dani, Raine decided that something was amiss and shook Dani awake with no warning. We lost communication among the teams, leaving each part isolated from the main group. This is the action for which her Chantry official Eric Smythe found her to be without honor, for her foolish action endangered everyone who was on that journey.
Heart of the Labyrinth
After traveling through the maze we came to the center of the labyrinth, a room behind a door marked with the sigil of a Hermetic Cabal known as the "Guardians of the Fire" and the sigil of House Quaesitor. Due to previous bad experiences with opening doors on this trip, the door was opened remotely. Inside was a simple room, table laden beneath ancient books, normal as the library was before this event. In the center was a single globe of crystal in its stand, flawless save for the three indentions in its surface. For those who have read through this tale in order, yes this was the globe created to hide the shard.
The globe was tainted, of that there can be no question. I rather liked Nicodemus’s description of it: “the Kali Yuga, in a ball.” Spencer urged us to destroy it now, no matter the cost. Though it was perhaps foolish, I went to it, to scry out the past behind its creation, the past I laid before you early in this tale. And I spoke those present of all that I had learned, that it could only be destroyed by the swords, the creation of the swords themselves, the fact that the souls of the bearers were being ripped away in pieces.
As awakened tend to do, there was much discussion over this matter. The soul of Elisabeth D'Morency bani Hermes appeared before us in chains, the chains binding her soul to the infernal powers visible for the first time. Those present questioned her, learning many of the facts I presented earlier. She told of the attack on the chantry, of the creation of redemption, of the souls bound to the blades, the blood oath sworn unknowing to Nicholas VanOrt.
At this point an unusual pull occurred as Charles Edminton who had been thinking of how to find our group was pulled into the realm, into the room where the globe was. This caused tension, as it was apparently the beliefs of Nicodemus and Chelsea that the Hermetics who swore knew what they were swearing to and that was the reason that Charlie Edminton had refused to share knowledge of the blades with them rather than just out of dislike and distrust for Chelsea. Questions were brought as to what was known, questions that I attempt to explain before.
Spencer wished to be given the swords, saying that they were not unlike those created in his realm and tainted. He though there nothing to differentiate these blades from the others within the realms of the spirits. He said that he would be able to lock them away safe where they would not cause harm. No one save him considered this a truly good option, given that it would do nothing to save the souls of those trapped by the blades. Elisabeth told her final tale, becoming racked with pain as her soul was in torment. The group dissolved into quarrels, as divisions grew over what was to be done.
Final Decisions and Attacks
After the debates and arguments, words heated and calm, the decision was made by Nicodemus and Charlie to try the way shown in the vision, to destroy the globe, the shard, and the swords in one single act. They contacted Doc Thownsend through the power of the blades, asking him to come here so that magic of the Fallen could be undone. And I am ashamed to say, Doc would not be convinced to do what must be done for the longest time. Despite the fact it was the only way to destroy the object and free all the souls bound. Despite everything. For over an hour Nicodemus and Charlie reasoned with Doc end this. And for an hour’s time, he refused.
Because of both this delay and the loss of the link back to the group at the command post, none of those in the Umbra were able to assist those there when they came under attack from the forces of the Fallen. We knew that it was occurring. But we could not assist without losing our chance to destroy the swords. We made the decisions that we had to, at the time.
Nicole, Dani, Raine, and America were all wounded to the point of unconsciousness by the force of the attacks. Raine with her last alert act managed to chase what attacked them away. Because of this and an emergency evacuation of Nicole, no one died. But it was a far closer thing than I care to think upon.
After this was learned of, a choice was made a hard one. If Doc would not come to do what must be done, then one life would be sacrificed so that the Fallen would not gain the advantage. It was only once that decision was made, once those left behind to fight on earth were dying, that Doc finally put aside his arguments and allowed himself to be drawn to this realm.
Destruction of the Swords
The swords were gathered, along with their bearers. The rest of the group, all strong in spirit magic, wove protections around the souls of the bearers, the only thing that we could do to help prevent them from losing all in what was to come. Once again, mages argued as the often do, but thankfully this time was brief. All agreed to do what they must; Doc Thownsend and Charles Edminton placed the swords of Truth and Redemption into the crystal.
It was then that the powers that bound themselves to Nicodemus struck; though we did not know it at the time. The swords saw that they were close to destruction, and lashed out through Nicodemus, forcing him to walk away from the crystal, to refuse to destroy what was tainted. He has put his trust in his companions earlier, trusting them to stop him when the time was right. That trust was not misplaced.
Dillon in his warrior form of a man wolf stood to block Nicodemus’s way, attacking him to prevent him from leaving. The magic that Nicodemus tried to lash out with failed as Dillon injured him. Nicodemus vanished, dropping the sword of Judgement to the ground. Faster than the eye could follow, Dillon grasped the blade and drove it into the crystal.
As the final sword was placed into the globe, it turned into a giant, glowing orb that rose up, blinding everyone with a multicolored light. The crystal begun to shine brightly, as it burst into a trillion pieces, shattering outwards and hitting everyone with the force of a nuclear blast nearly, throwing them backwards, even Nicodemus. We could feel the entire building begin to shake as it becomes consumed with fire and light.
We saw a symbol of balance emerge from the flames, and then burst as we saw three scales tipped, one for each of the sword bearers as their souls were restored. We saw Elisabeth, still before us in chains, turn into a ball of glowing light as she reclaimed her soul along with the thousands of others enslaved to the swords power. I saw Faith, looking through the light at me, saying simply thank you.
In the last moments, we saw the crystal turn into a blinding silver flower. A single figure of a dark-skinned man reached out to the object which glowed like a bright sun. The silver flower shattered, leaving in its place 3 silver coins, bearing the symbols of the Order of Hermes, the Euthanatos, and the Hollow Ones.
The Death of Lawrence Doc Thownsend
From within the crumbling ruins Doc wove a spell, using his power to force the building to stay sound long enough to give the others time to escape. Nicodemus took the coins for the Euthanatos and Hollow Ones in one had, his wife’s hand in the other, and vanished into the real world. For a moment, Romaro and Charles disagreed over the coin of the Order of Hermes before it vanished into thin air. Doc yelled at us to get going, that he would stay to cover our retreat. Romaro breached the storms and moved the rest of the group to safety.
The Realm that once held the Library of the Chantry of the Hidden Flame, now fallen to become a Nephandi realm, collapsed in upon itself. It crumbled until no trace of it was left, not even the building where the entrance once stood to mark its passing.
Doc chose to stay behind and hold the realm. He chose to die a hero, chose to keep others alive at the cost of his own. Despite the mistakes made over these many months, despite an unwilling oath to the Fallen and actions that earlier cause most of us to be upset with him, Doc redeemed himself in the end.
The tale I have set out to tell is now done, though it is by no means the end of the story. The forces which put this plan into motion are still out there, weaving their webs. But all of us have a choice. We can forget what happened, put the past out of our minds and continue blindly into what the future holds. Or we can remember what happened to those there, remember the death of Doc and the reasons behind it. And guard ourselves against what is coming and be prepared to fight the coming darkness.
I have made my choice. Will you?
Thus ends Part III