[the video engages showing Fran lying on his back in bed. his face is a bit pale and there is a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, but he still manages to look quite bored and unaffected]
That party was a bit of a chore, wasn't it?
[a sigh, and he rubs lightly at his eyes, making a low pouty noise in his throat]What sort of medication does
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[A pause, and a flat tone as she speaks, like she's bored]
What did you dress as? Perhaps I caught your soul while you did your chore.
I'll keep that in mind.
[a huff of a sigh]
My soul was frog-shaped.
[head down, she flipped through a few images, then paused, holding one up]
A frogs soul... huh.
[Turns it around so he can see, the frog suited young man in the distance, past a pirate and ringleader, and some princess.]
I think that might be you, back there. Not so good, but I might have caught you in others elsewhere...
[She sounded flat, as if she was sure no one cared, nor did she. But still...]
Feed a fever, starve a cold, by the way. Try to eat something?
[a little sigh as he shifts uncomfortably on the bed and wriggles a bit, staring into the screen of the LP, his mouth twisting up a bit in a slight flinch.
when she holds the picture up, he raises both brows curiously]
That would be me alright. Ah~ But I don't need a memento of that outfit, really.
[another flinch as she mentions food]
No food, thanks~
Ah but... for a fever sir you should get under the covers and put a compress of slightly cool water against your forehead. Do you have a cold sir?
[takes a slightly hitched breath, and then makes a light cough]
Cool water and heat. Hm hm.
A cold? Something like that.
I think I'll skip the food, please~
If you're sick, you should have someone come and help you.
All I need is medication. Ibuprofen, or so says Miss Lydia.
Do you have any then?
I'm afraid I'd have to go shopping for that, Neji-san.
It's just a little fever, I'll be fine.
How are you?
I'm good!!
There was a party?
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