I thought it was time to update this, mostly with a few goals for this summer, because I keep running through things I want to do in my head but I should keep a list somewhere.
Some short term, some long term, here are my life goals (yeah I know I'm copycat :-P) I'll probably update it now and then when I change my mind or *gasp* accomplish something
Somewhat lofty Summer '06
Take the regular GRE
Read books:
- Narnia 3 & 4
- Dan Brown Deception Point & Angels and Demons
- Wheel of Time Book 1
Get a decent library of recipes going on me and Bob's pbwiki (
http://www.napkin.pbwiki.com - ask me for the pw)
Visit teh Bobness in CA and see some schools out there in the process
Learn Flash animation (though I think that requires shelling out teh cash to get the dev kit, no?)
Make a personal website (not involving aforementioned flash)
School related
Do an honors project next semester (in fractals?) (Screw honors)
Test out of English 314
Graduate with a 4.0 3.75 or better, with Com S, Math majors and Psych, Phil minors
Career/Beyond ISU choices
Take Kick butt on the GRE
Assemble a list of grad schools of interest (and explore HCI and other options as potential graduate work)
Ultimately, apply to them
Explore internet entrepreneurism more maybe
Work somewhere that makes me happy
Become a more conscious consumer
Clean out my closet (literally, at my parents' place) Update: I'm partway there! It's looking MUCH better
Live forever
Eat vegetarian
Eat vegan as much as I can without it being a total pain in the ass
Be more eco-friendly in general (Recycle! Buy local!)
Financial stability but not wealth (charities are good)
Find something I love enough to keep me more active (or just continue to walk a lot which is eco-friendly anyway)
Overcome my social anxiety even more
Find and keep someone wonderful around to share life with
Show my family I care (i.e. spend time with my neice and nephews, don't completely avoid Grandma despite her senility)
Keep my good friends and find more of them. Formerly: "Something to do with forming closer better friendships should go here but I'm just not quite sure what. For now I'll put: connect with more females, since they seem to fill an emotional need for me (different from bf emotional stuff)"