
Feb 18, 2010 15:25

(OOC Notes) Uhhh, I've like literally never RPd like this before so if I do something wrong, please just gently correct me--the mantra here is 'clueless not obnoxious!'  If you bear with me I promise I'll learn!


I hate waiting. NOTHING is happening with that awful sense that something is happening. Out there. The Autobots are doing stuff--obnoxious, pseudo-virtuous stuff, of course, slagsucking the humans.  And me? I get to cower and hide and eavesdrop.  The eavesdropping's not so bad, except I have discovered that I hate 'urban programming'.  If Beyonce really thinks that man's ego is too big, she shouldn't puff it up more by making a whole song about him. Or interface with him.  OR spread her stupid squishy problems on my radio freq.

But the waiting is getting to me.

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