Age:12 almost 13 :P
Pick four words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, a four-word sentence, anything!) that describe you:
Crazy, Funny, always there,
Are you...
A leader or a follower:Leader.
Pessimistic or optimistic:optimistic.
Adventurous or cowardly:Adventurous.
Logical or creative:creative
Selfish or selfless:selfless
Alert or oblivious:A bit of both.
Athletic or lethargic:Athletic
Extroverted or introverted:Extroverted
What famous figure do you most identify with and why? I'm not sure.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Japan. Hands down. I love everything about Japan, its so beautiful and peaceful ^^
What do you do like to do for fun? I like to Draw, write poems or storys, go out and explore things and anything dangerous!
What genres of music, movies, television, etc. do you enjoy the most?
hmm I like amy type of music, lol and for television Fraggle rock!
Music is the heart and soul of Fraggle Rock. What Fraggle Rock song do you most identify with and why (You can check out any FR lyrics database if you're unsure of the song lyrics)?
Time to live as one.
Every place I go,No one seems to know.Everything is always the same.Still I need to trust,In the best of us.Can't we change the rules of the game?It's time for everyone.Time to live as one."If you could ask Madame Trash Heap only one thing, what would it be? hmm.. hard question.. " what will be the best cure for boredom?"
What job would you pick for your Thirty-Minute Work Week? (This doesn't have to be limited to established jobs in Fraggle Rock.)
:D I think I'll be hair stylist.. haha that would be so awesome. xD
Finally, what kind of an award would you give yourself on Trophy Day?
Most optimistic.
OPTIONAL: Post a picture of you being yourself. (This doesn't even have to be a photo! Be creative: express yourself in a photo, painting, drawing, whatever!)
Me at an anime convention i went to in the summer.